Her cheeks held a bit of pink now. “Yeah, um, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s cool. I knew you meant just watch shows or something.”

“Of course.” She clenched her hands in her lap. “Oh, how embarrassing. You must’ve thought I was hitting on you.”

“Nah.” Even if it was a fantasy of his. Forbidden as fuck, but still it was there.

“I would never do that.”

“I know.”

“Like ever.”

“Yup, I got it.” He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

Good lord, his self-esteem was really taking a number tonight.

She couldn’t make it any clearer that she held zero interest in him as anything other than a friend.


Oh god. Hadshe ever been more embarrassed?

Hannah pressed her hand to her cheek and looked out the window. It was hard to remember right now, if so.

She’d just basically invited Eric to get it on. Eric! One of her ex’s best friends. Talk about awkward.

And then she’d probably offended him by vehemently protesting she’d ever do such a thing. Which she wouldn’t, because she didn’t have a clue how to seduce someone. And even if she did, Eric was definitely not an option.

Not that he wasn’t cute. Because he was. And if she were honest with herself, she’d admit she’d been noticing that more and more lately.

That he was cute. And nice. And single. Or maybe he wasn’t single. Would she know if he wasn’t? He was so discreet with his relationships.

Good lord, how long had this awkward silence been going on?

She gave a nervous laugh. “Well, clearly I have no other choice than to give back my millennial card for being almost thirty and not knowing what ‘Netflix and chill’ really means.”

When she glanced over, his lips were quirked. So maybe she hadn’t totally offended him.

“Well, you teach little kids, and they’re not the demographic using that term.”

“I’d heard it, I just... never thought it would have an ulterior meaning. But then I haven’t been in the dating scene all that long since James and I broke up.”

And why did I just say that aloud?

When another awkward silence bloomed, she blurted, “Did you eat dinner?”

“I haven’t.”

He didn’t look at her, but she couldn’t help but note the tension in his jaw or the way he gripped the steering wheel. Clearly, she was making him uncomfortable.

“Want to pick up takeout?” he offered.

“We could.” She hesitated, debating whether to offer it. “Or if we want to save some money, my mom brought me some leftovers from dinner the other night. Have you ever tried spicy pork bulgogi?”

She held her breath, not certain if he’d be weirded out by the offer of Korean food or not.

Asian restaurants in the region had become more popular over the years, but that didn’t mean everyone was eager to try them.