Chapter Three

Again? Really?

She lifted her gaze and flashed a smile that she knew must’ve held a bit of disbelief.

“I’m good, thanks.” She gave a slight laugh. “We seem to keep running into each other.”

Eric adjusted his grocery basket in his hand and nodded. He looked a bit surprised too.

“Yeah. It’s kind of weird, honestly. I hadn’t seen you in months, and now it’s what, twice within a week?”

The tension that had coiled around her muscles eased.

“Yeah.” She glanced around. “You just getting off of work?”

She remembered him saying he worked nearby, which she assumed was why he was shopping at a store in her neighborhood.

He certainly appeared to have just gotten off work, with his slacks and dark-gray button-up shirt.

It was becoming less common to see people dressed even business casual for their jobs anymore. Seattle had become so casual. But she had to admit, there was something kind of hot about a guy all spruced up. Eric looked good.

“Yeah, I had a short day at the bank.” He gave a lazy smile. “Just grabbing some hard cider before I head home. How about you? Done with school for the week?”

Something warm shifted inside her at that smile, and she blinked in surprise.

She shook her head, trying to clear it from whatever weird thought had tried to take hold. This was what months of abstinence did to you. Made you hot and bothered for any guy who appeared to have showered recently and had a good smile.

“No? You still have school stuff?” Confusion laced his question.

Darn, she’d been shaking her head. “Sorry? Yes. I mean...” What was the question again?

Feeling uncharacteristically frazzled, she rewound the conversation in her head. School. Right.

“No, I’m done for the week. Just wrapped up conferences about a half hour ago.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I am so beyond ready for a glass of wine and binge watching one of my shows.”

His gaze narrowed a bit, seeming to see way more than she wanted him to.

“Yeah, I bet. Well, I’ll let you get to it.” He gave a short nod. “Good seeing you again, Hannah.”

“You too.” She pushed the cart past him, feeling a weird heat steal up into her face.

Suddenly she wasn’t in the mood to grocery shop. She glanced at her cart, with only a couple of things in it so far, and mentally ran through the list of food she still needed.

She was lost in thought when she spotted him.

He’d just turned down the aisle and was picking a bottle of wine when his gaze slid her way.

A sharp stab of unease hit as Stoddard Wentworth’s gaze connected with hers.

What kind of coincidence would put him here right now?

Memories of the awful parent-teacher conference with the man still lingered in her mind.

God, she’d really hoped not to have to deal with this jerk again anytime soon.

“Miss Jeong.” He approached and gave a brief smile. “How nice to see you here.”

She couldn’t even muster a smile. “Yes. You too.”