“And probation ends when you pass the bar.”

“I’m going to fucking annihilate the bar in February.”

James leaned back in his chair and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Thanks for taking out the garbage. I’ll bring them back in tomorrow once they’re emptied.”

Eric pulled out the chair across from him. “No worries. How are you holding up?”

“As much as I can, I guess?” His friend’s lips twisted into a grimace. “Work keeps me busy. And when I’m not awake, I’m dreaming about this shit.”

“Yikes. You need a break.”

“I don’t think we get them, but I’ll live.” James glanced over at him and sighed. “How are things with you?”

“Good.” Had he answered too fast? “Same shit, different day.”

James nodded, but it was clear he was only half listening. His eyelids were at half-mast, his eyes a bit glazed.

“You need sleep, bro.”

The only reply he got was a grunt.

“Have you eaten anything lately?”

“I think I had a breakfast sandwich earlier at work. They keep me pretty busy.”

Eric glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost seven. His friend probably hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

“I was just about to make some dinner. Chicken and rice or something. Nothing too crazy. Let me make you a plate.”

“You don’t have—”

“I don’t mind. I’m already cooking. Get your studying on a bit longer, then I’m making your ass take a break to eat.”

James hesitated before giving a small nod. “Thanks, man.”

Eric lifted his hand in a don’t mention it wave and headed to the kitchen.

He made quick time putting the rice on in his mini rice cooker, before pulling some chicken breasts he’d bought out of the fridge and went to work seasoning them. A few minutes later, they were sizzling in a pan with garlic and olive oil.

While the chicken cooked, he unloaded the dishwasher. Now that it was just him and James, the household chores were piling up more.

Jack had moved out last month, and shortly before that, Blake had left too.

He knew James could afford it, working at his cousin’s firm and making good money. And while Eric made decent money, it was tighter with just the two of them paying the rent. Housing costs in Seattle were nauseatingly high and their landlord had been quick to jump on those increases.

They were on the hunt for more roommates, but Eric knew there was a good chance James was thinking the same thing.

That this might be the end of the bachelor pad. Hell, they were just a few years away from thirty. It was probably time to get their own places.

Going from a house to a small one-bedroom apartment would suck, but having his own space would probably be a good thing.

When the food was done, Eric dished up plates of chicken and rice for them both, and threw some cold baby carrots and broccoli on the plate, too, for color and health.

When he carried them over to the dining room table, James pushed his books and papers aside to make room for them.

“Fuck, that looks good.” James stared down at his plate and took a deep breath in. “You’re kind of a pro at this cooking stuff. Always have been.”

“My mom made sure I knew a few kitchen tricks.” Eric’s mouth curved into a slight smile as he thought of his mom.