“Nailed being the key word. Or it will be later tonight.” Kristen’s lips twitched in amusement, even as her stomach swirled with nerves. “Go big or go home, right?”

Tori gave a soft snort. “Yeah, but if his dick is anything like his biceps, I think you may regret that ‘go big’ part.”

Just the imagery of those words had Kristen’s knees going weak.

What the hell am I doing?

She clenched her fists and drew in a deep breath. She knew exactly what she was doing.

“So, what’s your plan?”

Kristen gave a slight shrug at the question. “Go out and talk to him. Flirt. Make it clear I’m interested in having some fun. I’m sure it’s not that hard.”

“It shouldn’t be. Men are ridiculously easy. Just be careful, okay? Guys like that eat girls like you for dinner.”

“I’m counting on that.”

Tori gave a choked laugh. “You have an incredibly dirty mind for a virgin—you realize that, right?”

“I do realize that. And it’s going to waste.” Playing with a strand of hair, Kristen gave a slight smile.

Her dirty mind was the result of hanging with mostly guys and having two brothers. She’d met Tori in high school biology, and they’d become best friends while dry heaving during dissections.

“Are you going to tell him?”

“About my lack of experience? No way.” Kristen shoved a hand through her hair. “Going by Paul’s reaction, virgins are the antichrist.”

“Right. Paul. The whole reason you’re doing this. Your guy friend at UNLV you’ve been crushing on since your junior year.”

“He likes me. I really think he does.” Kristen’s pulse quickened as she mentally brought up the image of his smiling face. “But when I suggested we try going out, he shut me down. He was so sweet and said asking me out had crossed his mind, but he won’t date a virgin—”

“Can I just add that’s, like, the lamest thing to say? But I guess I understand. Some people get weird or clingy.”

“Stop it. I wouldn’t be like that.”

“You never know. Happened with a guy I slept with who was a virgin. He followed me around like a damn puppy after.” Tori shrugged. “Anyway, how did he even know you were a virgin?”

“It just came up one night while we were partying with a group of friends.”

Just the memory of how he’d so casually rejected her, with his reasoning basically being a hymen, sent a wave of embarrassment through her.

Being a virgin had never seemed like a stigma until that moment.

“So, you sleep with the hot guy at this party and lose the virginity. Then this Paul guy will be all over you like white on rice?”

“In theory. Or my theory.”

“And what if you do get attached? It’s not a groundless assumption.”

She met her friend’s pensive gaze. “Get attached to the guy who’s going to help me lose the hymen? He’ll be a pawn. A means to an end.”

“Super romantic analogy right there. Maybe don’t spell it out to him like that. And just a side note, your hymen is probably gone by now. You are twenty-two.”

“I know.” Kristen sighed. “And I’m not going to tell him any of this stuff. It’ll just be a one-night stand where we basically know nothing about each other.”

Tori rolled her eyes. “This has got to be the most screwed-up, convoluted way of getting together with a crush.”

“You’re not wrong, so I’m not even going to try and argue with that.”