Page 52 of Surge

I felt at home here. I didn’t think I’d ever feel like I belonged in a place like Malibu Bay Colony. It was such a far stretch from my roots. But this, in some ways, stretched just as far in the opposite direction from Maeve’s.

Maeve gazed up at the house. “My dad liked Venice. He said it had a special buzz about.”

“The question is whether or not its your kind of special,” I asked.

Maeve still stared at the house. “This place has to be everyone’s kind of special. Doesn’t it?”

It certainly felt like our kind of special. It was natural but still modern. Secluded, but step on the street, and life was all around. And one thing in particular drew us both in.

Maeve glanced at me. “You know what that ceiling in the living room reminds me of?”

I nodded. I did.

We both said at the same time, “The temple at Uyu.”

And once again, life unfolded like a fairy tale.