Page 14 of Mail Order Misprint

“I will probably take you up on that. Not right now, though. I want to see the rest of this house of yours.”

“Rachel fell asleep on the way home. I’m going to put her in her bed, and then we’ll look around some more. She’ll nap for a good hour or two while I start supper. I’ll teach you to make my chicken and dumplings. They’re even better than Susan’s.”

“Are Susan’s any good?”

“They’re fabulous. But mine are better.”

Sydney smiled at the other woman’s confidence in her cooking. “Then I need to learn from the best, don’t I?”

It would have never occurred to Sydney that cooking with a friend would be fun, but she and Alice laughed most of the afternoon as Sydney tried her hand at cutting dumplings for the first time. It was truly a joyful day, very different than one she’d be having in Beckham.

Sydney owed a huge debt to the Miller family for not only sending her to Fort Worth, but for giving her a place to live and people to have fun with. She was very thankful she’d gotten up the nerves to knock on Elizabeth’s door. She didn’t yet know what being a bride would be like, but she certainly loved the sisters she’d come into contact with.

For once, Sydney didn’t have to worry about getting her clothes messy or disturbing her perfect hairstyle. She could just be Sydney, and that was all she’d ever asked for.