Page 28 of Mail Order Misprint

A short while later, they lay on their sides facing one another. Both were out of breath.

“That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be,” Sydney said.

Lewis groaned. “It was a thousand times better than I thought it would be. I suppose the answer now is to teach you to love it as much as I do.”

Her lips quirked. “Are you up for a challenge like that?”

“I guess we’re going to find out. Tomorrow night. For now, let’s get some sleep.” He glanced over at a small table beside the bed where he kept his gun. They’d be safe for the night. He’d have to sleep with one eye open.

Contrary to Lewis, Sydney was asleep as soon as her eyes were closed, and she slept like a rock. She had no need to worry. Lewis would protect her from whatever came her way.

Lewis watched her sleep, praying he’d have time to nap the following day while Sydney was with Alice.