21. Are You Feeling Lucky?


“I’m sorry, Jared.”

He stops pacing, his eyes landing on me with something I can’t decipher swirling in their dark depths. As we stare silently at each other, the last few minutes circle through my mind like a carousel.

Watching him stalk across the bar as I tried to listen to Dean and Scotty gush about their next chapter in New York. The stranger, a man I’ve never seen, walking up behind Jared. The look on my boss’s face when he turned to see who approached him.

My instincts kicked in, and I made my excuses and quickly left the lovebirds. I hurried toward Mack and Johnny, two members of the casino’s security team who were socializing near the dessert table. I pointed out Jared and the man talking to him, and their reactions confirmed my suspicions…

That man did not belong here.

When the man called himself Jared’s stepfather, panic set in. Had I read the situation wrong? After seeing the anger in Jared’s expression, I instructed the guards to escort the man out, thinking it’s what he wanted.

But after being dragged back here to this office and feeling the seething rage wafting off Jared, I’m not so sure I made the right call.

When Jared continues to stare without speaking, I bite my lip and edge toward the door. I’m probably fired anyway, so there’s no reason for me to stick around. I obviously overstepped.

“Wait,” he breathes when I take another step.

I freeze, watching his eyes fall closed. He takes a deep breath, his chest expanding and his shoulders lifting, before blowing it back out and pinning me with that dark gaze.

“Thank you.”

He says the words softly, but I don’t miss the gratitude in his tone. Some of the tension drains out of me. I made the right call.

“You’re welcome,” I say, my voice just as low as his had been. “So…that was your stepfather?”

“No,” he says, shaking his head with a low growl. “Not anymore.”


Brilliant response, I know. But what else am I supposed to say? He obviously doesn’t want to talk about it.

“You look beautiful tonight.”

His eyes widen after the words pop out, and I’m sure my expression mirrors his. That came out of nowhere, and isn’t something I’d ever expect to come from him. I have no clue how to respond, so I don’t.

Jared’s face tightens, then relaxes, and his shoulders slump as he says, “I’m sorry I was such an ass out there. I don’t know why I…”

His words trail off as he shakes his head, and I find myself stammering out a response. “I-it’s okay.”

“No. It’s not. I don’t expect blind allegiance and respect when I’m being a dick, and…” He takes a quick breath, spitting out the rest in a rush of words. “You look amazing in that dress.”

“Thanks,” I say looking down at myself as I brush my hands over the material. “It’s always been my favorite dress. I wear it when I feel the need for a little extra luck, and it usually delivers…until recently.”

I give him a pointed look, and his lips twitch. “There’s no such thing as luck.”

“You’ve said that before,” I say, rolling my eyes as my body relaxes.

Arguing with Jared is familiar territory. I feel much more comfortable bickering than trying to process and accept compliments from him.

“And you should’ve listened the first time,” he says, his lips curving up into a devastating smile. “Take it from a man who makes millions of dollars every year from people who believe in luck.”

He steps closer as he speaks, but I stand my ground, refusing to be intimidated.

“I’m telling you the truth. This dress has always been lucky…until I met you,” I say, arching a brow at him.