
Vivia Montavio has a praise kink,why yes, she does. I’ve never seen anyone so eager for approval. I’ve never seen anyone respond like her to the slightest accolade. She longs for affirmation so desperately, I have an almost unfair advantage.

My instincts were right. Hard interrogation and harsher punishment will not be the most effective means with her. While others would scoff at the way I’ve mostly handled her, the most practical methods of interrogation are the ones suited for a captive’s needs. Or, more accurately, the methods best suited to take advantage of their weaknesses.

And I’ve found hers.

I’d feel like an asshole if I didn’t make another discovery: interrogating her further is fruitless. She doesn’t know fucking anything.

I lie in bed next to her, and she half-dozes beside me as I update Orlando.

Me: I’ve fully interrogated her. She knows almost nothing.

Orlando: Dammit. I mean, I’m relieved though. Would hate to think she was really behind any of this.

Me: Everything Gloria found leads to her, but it wasn’t actually her who betrayed us, it was her boyfriend who’s now dead. Biggest question is, who would try to hurt Marialena using Vivia?

No answer at first.Vivia blinks and rolls over slowly, like she’s drugged.

Orlando: It’s a good question. It would be someone who’d do anything in their power to prevent the Montavio and Rossi families from uniting in any way. We’re stronger if we unify, and that makes us nearly invincible.

Nearly.A merging of two mob families is tricky business. In-house fighting is what typically does them in.

I nod to myself.

Me: I think that’s right. The question then is, who would be trying to prevent that from happening?

Orlando: That’s exactly the question. Gloria’s working around the clock with Mario to see what she can find. I’ll update with more information. But listen, brother.

I wait for the response.I watch the little dots on the phone indicate he’s typing, then stopping, typing, then stopping. Finally, a message pops up.

Orlando: She’s safer with you for now. If she were to come here it… would not be good. Sergio believes she was behind this. And we know she slept with Gray. So even if she had nothing to do with what happened to Marialena, that alone means she’s fucked.

I wince.I know it.

Me: Yeah. So we stay here for now.

Orlando: You have to. It’s better for you and for her while we get to the bottom of this.

Me: Sergio will be pissed when he finds out we lied to him

Orlando: I’ll take my chances. Lie low, brother. Call me if you need anything.

Me: I will

Vivia rollsover again and opens her eyes, looking up at me. She blinks as if she’s surprised I’m there at first, then looks around her. She grows still when she remembers where she is.

I sit up and stretch. “I’m starving. You?”

She nods quietly.

“It’s getting to be about dinnertime. And since there’s no electricity here, we’ll have to light the oil lamp and build a fire, too.” I look down at her. “Even though it would be my preference to have you walking around here without any clothes on, we have to go outside and you’ll get eaten alive. It’s better for you to wear something.”

She gives me a frown that borders on petulance. “You threw my clothes into the fireplace, remember?”

I lean closer to her, a silent reminder she’d better watch her tone. “Oh, I remember. Dance club clothes won’t serve you here, lovely. You’ll need something a bit more practical.”