The woods seemed to hush, the very shadows folding in on themselves, and even the two Meliae seemed to quiet themselves in the throes of pleasure, until a sound began emanating from the rapids themselves, sparking words between the bubbling flow of the water.

“She owes the land a debt - she was to be bound to the land with another by the laws of its people, and she has since broken that pact. The pact must be upheld, she may find another to bind to the earth, but until such time, she cannot leave.”

“So mote it be.” I spoke the words belonging to the Witches, sealing our fate. The French Witch sagged in defeat, and while this may not be her desired outcome, it was still far more favorable than death.

The wind rustled the leaves, breathing life back into the forested area once more, and I watched the Witch wade through the water, hoisting herself up onto the riverbank, her fury pulsing against the earth. Her blue gaze turned brittle as she took me in, her disdain clearly displayed within her expression. If I was looking for thanks, I would not receive it from the Witch.

“You shouldn’t have bargained.”

Once more she spoke in English, and if she hadn’t been so utterly ungrateful, I may have paused for a moment simply to enjoy the cadence of her voice - the way her French accent drew out syllables in an almost sensual way.

“I am going to enjoy informing Charlain that I saved one of his Witches.” I slid my fists into the pockets of my chinos and rocked back on my heels, throttling the little Witch wasn’t an option - not when I had just gone to great lengths to save her.

Her glare only hardened, and if I thought she was angry before, I watched her rage transform her very being as her fingers coiled into the wet earth, the wind billowing at her back, and I could only smirk.

The Witch wanted to play.

“I am of no use to anyone if I am tied to the village, forbidden to leave.” The words were broken and sharp.

“Forbidden? I am certain that is not the case, we simply need to find someone to replace you.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about!” She rose from the earth, straightening to her full height. She was still petite, but with her wet clothing clinging to her skin, I could appreciate her curves - could appreciate the peak of her breasts. As my gaze skittered across her body, taking her in, it seemed to only fuel her anger.

“You are despicable, not only have you signed me up for a fate worse than death, you have the audacity to look at me like that.”

I allowed the grin to curl up my lips, allowed a hint of lust to stretch between us, a small offering of what could happen between two beings should she desire.

“Don’t try that shit on me, Demon.” The raging rapids that had nearly drowned her had done nothing to extinguish the fight within, and something about her fury made my cock harden.

A frown marred her lovely face and as she stepped towards me, bridging the gap between us, I did not relent - did not back up. Instead, I braced myself for whatever the Witch threw at me. When was the last time I sparred? When was the last time someone had approached me, neither in fear or lust?

I couldn’t recall, but the very experience was invigorating.

“You sure you want to playwith me, Witch?” I allowed the innuendo to hang between us as her palms pressed against my chest, and watched in mild satisfaction as her blue gaze seemed to flare in surprise.

“I don’t want to play with you, Demon, I want to kill you.” She shoved against my chest, and I allowed her to push me back one step, no more.

“Now, that’s not at all the thanks I was hoping for - after all, I did just save your life.”

“You’re right.” She halted her tracks. “You did just save me, and you bargained, so I think it’s only fair that you stand in as the replacement, don’t you?”

I saw the glint of the blade and spun out a heartbeat later, but she spun too, and suddenly it was a dance of sorts. The Witch sought my blood - no doubt would make a sacrificial offering to the land itself, but I wanted - what did I want?

She spun again, and this time there was no time to contemplate how a human Witch could move so fast. I needed to disarm her quickly. My arm snatched out, halting the hand that held the knife, and still she fought - even when she was thwarted - even when there was no hope of her winning, and so I sidestepped the knee that she lifted towards my crotch.

I wasn’t certain who moved first, but suddenly her back was pressed against the soil, and I felt her body shift beneath mine, but too quickly the feeling was gone, until she rolled herself on top of me, straddling my waist, her blouse draping open, giving me clear view of her supple cleavage.

I bucked beneath her, rolling her under me once more. It was a fight for dominance - a game of survival, and it only made me want to fuck her harder.