“Marie.” Julian snapped my name, and I finally tore my gaze from the Demon before him and stared at Julian. “If you are not in the village when they arrive, it will make our clan look bad, look weak.”

“That sounds like a you problem.” I forced myself to sound bored, even as my pulse jumped when Cort’s leg brushed against mine beneath the table.

“So you don’t care about the village now? Our reputation? Is that it?” He allowed his questions to hang in the air, and I was grateful that the Demon had finally stopped touching me.

“You have a responsibility to these people.”

Of course Julian would try and manipulate me into helping him by bringing up my past - bringing up my ties to the village. He took no accountability for the role he had played in everything that had occurred.

And so I turned to him and smiled, but the gesture was pure calculation.

“Sounds like you need a favor from me.”