Chapter Twenty-Eight : A Bachelorette and a Brunch


At some point I needed to speak to Madame about these seats because they were fucking uncomfortable. I had no doubt that the comfort of our customers would have impacted how much activity went on behind these red curtains, but then again, some men couldn't see past a good sack and some lace panties.

My hand brushed against the velvet of the curtain, pushing it aside so that I had an unobscured view of the doorway and stage.

When Maxine had asked for the club, I had agreed. When she had asked for use of the stage, I had agreed. When she asked me to keep it open to the public, I had agreed. But I did not agree to not being here.

Usually I wouldn't care - wouldn't be sulking in the shadows of my own fucking club, but I wanted to watch her - see how my little Vedman acted with her fellow Witches without me.

My ice-cubes tinkered against the glass that I clutched in my hand, the whiskey an obscure color in the dim lighting at the back of the club. But I couldn't bring myself to move, not when Maxine strode through the door, bringing the entire cadre with her. I supposed it would make sense, that in this setting, she would lead.

Maxine weaved her way between the tables towards the stage as if she were one of the house dancers, and I watched in horror as the Witches followed her, my little Vedman, with her blonde hair curled down her back, walking in the middle. Even from this distance, my blood heated at the sight of her and my cock twitched, and suddenly, dragging her from this place and burying myself deep within her seemed like a pretty good fucking plan.

Existing patrons milled around, sipping their drinks as they watched the parade of women before them. I couldn't halt my fist from clenching as I imagined the crunch of their eye-sockets beneath my knuckles for looking upon what was mine.

My body stilled as Maxine did not halt her trajectory, instead, lifting one heeled foot in front of the other until she was on the stage. And then she dropped her coat, showcasing a set of red lingerie in its place.

My gaze slid towards Corinne, and I keenly examined her clothing from a distance. Her black coat gave nothing away, and I felt a hot kick of desire course through my body. Would my little Vedman take the stage? If she did, I would clear this whole fucking place out.

None of the Witches seemed surprised to see Maxine dancing and gyrating in time with the beat, her movements sensual, speaking to that primal part of every person sitting in this place.

I didn't give a fuck what Maxine did, and when she dropped her bra, I diverted my gaze to Corinne, more interested in my little Vedman and what she thought of the show.

As expected, a light blush covered her cheeks. When she was seated on top of me, sliding my cock in and out of that sweet space that was paradise, it was easy to forget that she had been so fucking innocent, and that I was the one to teach her. But watching her now, she didn't look away, shifting in her seat. Instead, she watched as Maxine sashayed down the stairs, only to offer the patron sitting closest to the stage the dirtiest kind of lap-dance available. My hand itched of its own accord and I had to rearrange my cock as I wanted nothing more than to slide my hands between Corinne's legs, certain that her slick wetness had pooled there.

It was Marie who took the stage next, and I wasn't certain why that surprised me - she was French, after all. I paid her only half a mind, my focus only on Corinne and if she was going to drop her coat.

Marie moved fluidly. Where Maxine spoke to something primal, Marie seemed to sway and move in a sensual manner.

And Corinne appeared riveted at their performance, but before I could go over there, the seat next to me dipped, filling with that cotton candy perfume that reminded me of a sixteen-year-old. Nina.

"It is not customary for the groom-to-be to watch his love at her bachelorette."

Nina's voice was cool and taunting, failing to cover the edge of jealousy that seemed to coat every word.

"What do you want, Nina?" My voice was flat, my gaze never once straying away from Corinne and her fellow Witches.

"Just making sure that you're not making a mistake."

Her hiss was a melodic sound to my ears as I pressed her wrist against the chair, holding her in place, and when I finally deigned to bring my gaze to hers, I saw the flicker of fear in her eyes. Good. She should be fucking afraid of me.

"The only mistake that has been made here is that you have somehow gotten it into that thick skull of yours that something would happen between us. I'm unsure how you haven't already picked up the message, but fuck all will ever happen between us. Your diseased cunt disgusts me, your vapidness annoys me, and if you weren't a dancer in the Russian Ballet, I would have put a bullet in your brain myself for simply annoying me, but you're too much of a public figure."

She shifted beside me, her face tightening with pain as I pressed down against her wrist harder. I wouldn't break her bones, simply bruise her.

"But." I allowed the threat to linger before fully delivering my intent. "If you continue to be a nuisance to either myself or Corinne, it won't matter that you're in the ballet or that I can marry you to someone of greater use, your bullet will have been earned regardless."

I released her and watched her digest my threat - watched her swallow it down for what it was. My gaze found Corinne again, and I knew that I needed to leave - couldn't stay and watch her because if I did, they wouldn't be able to scrub the blood from the floors once I was done.

I consoled myself with the fact that I would fuck her tonight - more than once, and maybe get my little Vedman to put a show on for me, and me alone.

I stood, Nina stilled beside, flinching at the movement, and I strode towards the darkness, out the backdoor that few knew existed, into the night.

I nodded once at the two men stationed by the door. They knew the drill - knew that if they left their posts, their life was forfeit. I doubted Corinne knew how many of my men trailed her and her clan on a daily basis, but I didn't give a fuck either way, and the men didn't seem to mind. In fact - if anything - it had become a point of pride amongst them around who got the honor of guarding the Witches. If Corinne heard that, she wouldn't be impressed, but there was nothing to be done.

It took every ounce of control I possessed to walk away, leaving Corinne within the safety of the club. Would she remove that coat?