Her energy pushed against mine, excited at the prospect of challenge, her eyes dancing with glee as if my mere presence here served to amuse her on some level - stifling her boredom.

It was the sound of Dimitri's pure delight that drew my gaze away from her.

"Who the fuck is that?" I raised a brow in his direction, staring pointedly.

Dimitri laughed outright. There’s something endearing about hearing someone laugh for the first time. The sound itself harmonic, speaking to the person's true self, evoking the ability to release unseen tension in a way that speaks to the currency of connection.

But, I could not focus on Dimitri’s laughter in this moment - I could not linger on the sound of his voice settling on my skin - on the warmth it left in its wake.

Even still, Dimitri’s laughter was infectious, and I found myself wanting to join in along with him - even if it was at my expense - even if there was a Voodoo Priestess sitting across the way from us.

“I think that was the most unsophisticated statement I’ve heard come out of your mouth, Bambi.”

I blinked, suddenly aware of my surroundings. Heat rose into my cheeks as I dipped my chin. Shit, I shouldn't have behaved like that - even if I was threatened by a Voodoo Witch.

Taking in his demeanor - his relaxed posture as he leant back in the chair, stretching his shirt across his broad shoulders - as if nothing in this world could quite contain him - the playful smirk on his lips, he seemed entirely unaffected by the situation.

A barrage of images accosted my mind - a different place - even a different version of myself, one who can explore the dangers of Dimitri fully - an alternate life perhaps? I allowed my mind to linger a little longer, steeping in the delight of possibility- excitement - as I waited for my guides, or even my intuition, to offer up a solution to the problem that lay ahead.

It doesn't take long before Arlo clears his throat, "That is Sergei." A heartbeat later he added, "Our business partner."

I waited for that information to sink in, turning it over in my mind.

"Wait," I looked at Arlo incredulously. "The business partner?"

He grimaced and dipped his head in acknowledgement.

New images formed. I didn't even need my cards.

Olek meeting Sergei in a darkened warehouse, promising him more. Sergei in turn promising him protection - eluding to a promotion of some kind.

"Promise me," Olek's voice cracks slightly with emotion as he stares into Sergei's eyes, "promise me that we will keep Jeanette safe. This shit can't blow back on her."

Sergei nods his head in agreement, and even through the vision I can tell he is lying. He has no intention to keep his promise.

Jolting me from my vision, the air suddenly turned frigid. I fought the nausea as it bubbled up within, my palms turned slick and clammy. It was her. She was sending wave after wave of negative energy towards us - a quick precision psychic attack. The obsidian beads in my anklet deflected it easily, but that didn’t mean that I could not feel it.

Oblivious, Dimitri and Arlo's reaction to the onslaught of her psychic attacks was self-loathing and a lack of confidence. I watched Arlo's expression turn pensive as his thoughts seemed to linger on unpleasant and negative experiences. Unhappiness oozed from his pores. Dimitri remained shell shocked.

Chances were, they weren't even aware what was happening, chalking it up to a bout of melancholy.

I grabbed Dimitri’s hand, indicating that he should hold onto Arlo, the connection between the three of us giving them access to the power of my anklet. His hand engulfed mine, reminding me how large he actually was. He was all height and muscle, and yet despite all of that, I revelled in the fact that it was I who was protecting them.

Just as quickly as they began, so the waves of negative energy dissipated. I felt Dimitri physically relax slightly, and Arlo looked visibly less tense.

Refusing to release my hold on Dimitri, I glanced back at the Voodoo Priestess. She dipped her chin towards me, smiling coyly. This entire experience had been a game for her. Magick wasn’t like other warfare, often there was no honor code between parties, and worse still, everyone within this establishment was none the wiser.

Under Charl's guidance, we had been trained in all things, but not warfare. Perhaps that was too heavy a word for this experience, but even so, it seemed right somehow.

Standing abruptly, I pushed forward towards the exit, Dimitri and Arlo followed me as I practically dragged them out of the club and down the stairwell. Our dessert remained untouched on the table.

Dimitri dug his heels in, refusing to move an inch. There wasn't a hope in hell of me dragging him further than he would allow. He was a wall of impenetrable muscle, and even I had to concede that the weight and height differences alone made it an impossible feat.

I whirled on him in frustration.

“Your business partner has a Voodoo Priestess that he is contracting,” I seethed as we hit the stairwell.

Dimitri glanced over at his grandfather, his eyes flicked towards Arlo, monitoring how he was taking the news. Arlo didn’t flinch, instead he spoke casually.