“What did Arlo say when you told him?”

Dimitri’s eyes shuttered and I had the urge to pull back - to tell him not to worry about sharing this with me. But, I didn’t, because some part of me wanted to hear this more than the part that wanted to protect him - this - from shattering with difficult truths.

“I could have done the most terrible thing imaginable and Arlo still would have defended me - he wasn’t angry - he wasn’t even disappointed, he was just there - there for me in all the ways that mattered, at least.”

My heart clenched. Not just because Arlo had to step up in lieu of Dimitri’s loss, but because he had experienced something that I never had - he had experienced absolute acceptance - unconditional support. And wasn’t that the foundation of family?

“When did you know that Magick was your thing?” his voice sounded gruff as he diverted the conversation into safer terrority.

My lips sucked around the sweetness of a beignet before I answered honestly.

“Around fifteen - that’s when I really knew. It was as if nothing else I did could measure up to the thought of Magick, let alone the experience.”

“What does it feel like?” Dimitri cocked his head to the side, his eyes quizzical and curious.

On anyone else, that movement may have felt intrusive, but on Dimitri, it was pure curiosity - no malice, no pressure.

“Um…” I sucked on my teeth, searching for the words that may - no matter how poorly - describe the experience.

“It kind of feels like heat and warmth all at once. It makes you feel invincible - as if nothing is impossible - or at least it does when the Magick is flowing through me. But when I connect to spirits or any other entities, then it’s this disconcerting feeling where I’m aware I’m commuting with something other, but I’m also kind of not aware - because if I'm somehow too aware then I’ll stop the process and end the communication…”

I’m unable to read Dimitri’s expression and so I push forward, “Shit, sorry, I’m rambling.”

His lips turn into a grin and I watch him lean across the table, inching closer towards me.

“Bambi, I think that’s the most honest answer you’ve given me since you’ve been here.”

My hand itches to slap him, and my lips tingle with anticipation. I mean, it’s not like he’s the poster boy for honesty. But those thoughts are swiftly placed on hold as the screen of his phone lights up. It vibrates against the table as a call comes through. I couldn't see the screen clearly, but it looked like it was Ravi.

Gesturing that he would be back soon, Dimitri rose to take the call, stepping out from beneath the green shaded roof that had housed the Café Du Monde for longer than I had been alive.

This entire experience had been surprisingly nice. I allowed the energy of the patrons to wash over me, enjoying the experience of being entirely alone in a crowd full of people. Removed and yet… not removed.

A breeze blew through the café, the scent of Magick curling its edges. Of course, the patrons were oblivious, but I wasn't. The scent wasn’t one of honeysuckle or vanilla, rather, it smelt of darkness. It was coated in malice, and there wasn’t a single doubt in my mind that a threat was upon us. Her tinkling laughter sounded in my mind, and I knew that she was here - had been watching us for far longer than we had been aware.


I had let my guard down here with Dimitri when I should have been scanning the room, casting my mind out to sieve through any Magickal mishaps - instead, I was sitting here flirting with Dimitri.

The beignet soured in my mouth as the entire room shifted with the encroaching threat. It was only a matter of time before the patrons made their exits - not fully understanding why, only that something about this moment was making them feel uncomfortable, and so they would rather venture out into the night-time streets of NOLA.