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I slammed my hand down on the dining room table. “Where the fuck is she?”

Justin rested a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll find Mom. She’s tough.”

Six hours had passed since she’d raced out of my bedroom for the clinic. When she didn’t call, I became worried and drove to Happy Paws. On the ground was a small pink blanket. My truck was in the lot and her keys laid in front of the door.

Kat looked up from her laptop. “It won’t take the team long to hack the sheriff’s car.”

Ivy had told me Sheriff Vanden needed her. I called the station, and the receptionist said he was off for a couple of days due to family stuff. I’d called the Grace, the sheriff’s wife, but she told me she’d kicked him out weeks ago.

Benji hadn’t said a word, but he had tears in his eyes. “This is my fault.”

Everyone stopped and stared. “No, it’s not. I’m guessing your father and the sheriff are friends. This is some type of payback.”

“But if I had done something a while ago, this might not have happened.”

Antonio slid his cell phone into his pocket and grunted. “Not true. You never know when a desperate person will snap. And that’s exactly what happened. From what I was told, the sheriff and your dad go way back. I need you guys to think of any special places your dad took you in the past. My guess is he’s here and wants to make your mom pay for the money we took back from him.”

Justin tilted his head to the side. “Grandma has a few acres north of town. I remember a small house on the property that we’d used to play in.”

Kat asked for more details as she pulled up an aerial map. Justin pointed out the small structure that looked not much bigger than a shed.

I grabbed the spare set of keys to the truck I kept for the ranch to use.

Antonio placed a hand on my shoulder. “We need a plan.”

“We can come up with one on the way,” I ground out as I stepped outside.

Justin was next to me, along with Benji.

“Get in the SUV,” Antonio grumbled.

Kat trudged out of the house with her long rifle and a handgun. I’d already secured my gun in my holster at my hip. Justin had shown up at the clinic with Benji.

Kat jumped into the back with Benji and Justin. The gravel spun under the tires as Antonio headed for the cabin.

“Benji, I need you to stay back.” He obviously wanted nothing to happen to Ivy’s youngest. “Before you refuse, if we get in to trouble, we’ll need someone to call for help.”

“Fine. But the second something doesn’t look right, I’m going to make the call.”


Antonio drove the SUV through the pastureland toward the small house.

Kat’s cell phone dinged. “Asher pulled a heat signature on the house. There are three people inside. It’s in tight quarters. We need to draw them outside while someone goes through the back door for Ivy.”

“Got it,” I said.

My shoulders were tense as Antonio brought the SUV to a stop. The little cabin was on the other side of the hill. We were going in blind, , but we couldn’t waste any time. Who knew what was happening to her in there?

Everyone exited the vehicle and double-checked their guns. I had mine drawn as I walked up the hill, ready to take on Brad. Benji leaned against the SUV as we walked away.

“If she’s hurt, I won’t think twice about putting a bullet in your dad’s head,” I said to Justin.

Justin shrugged.