Mark rubbed the spot and rocked her on his lap gently as he reassured her. “Good girl. All done.”

By the time Doniphan had dealt with the syringe and put away the medicine in the locked cabinet, Mark felt the tension in Cricket’s body ease. He scooped her up and cuddled her against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled under his jaw to get as close as possible. Reaching an arm down, Mark removed her shoes and pulled the clothing dangling around her ankles off.

“Cricket, are you feeling better?” Doniphan asked.

She nodded from her protected spot, bringing a smile to Doniphan’s concerned face. The medic patted the paper-covered exam table.

Mark stood and sat Cricket on the padding. He kissed her hair before unwinding her arms from his neck. “Let’s get this T-shirt off, baby girl, so Doniphan can make sure you’re okay.” Without answering, Cricket lifted her arms and let him tug the enormous shirt off. He smoothed down her hair as Doniphan approached.

“Cricket, I’m going to make sure you’re healthy and find a good birth control solution for you and your daddy. If you get worried during the exam, squeeze his hand and he’ll let me know you need some more medicine. Okay?” Doniphan asked with a fond smile for the little girl who leaned against her daddy.

Mark rubbed Cricket’s back. The encounter with that jerk had frightened her. She’d been so stiff on the way to the appointment. Now her muscles had lost that rigidity. Thank goodness for Doniphan, who knew how to take care of little girls.

The medic who’d put Mark back together too many times to count picked up a tongue depressor and grabbed his light. “Can you say ahh for me, Cricket?”

Obediently, Cricket sat up straight and opened her mouth for Doniphan. He quickly checked her throat, ears, and eyes before setting down his tools and opening a drawer to remove two small plastic packets. “River likes these. Would you like to try one?”

“Yes,” Cricket whispered, looking at the candy in his hand.

“Cherry or mint?” Doniphan asked, holding each one up for her appraisal.

“Mint,” Cricket answered without hesitation, making Mark guess his Little must not like cherry flavoring.

Doniphan unwrapped it and held it up to Cricket’s mouth. When she opened her lips, he slid the pacifier inside.

“Mmm!” Cricket hummed happily as she sucked on the candy pacifier.

“Let your daddy help you roll over onto your tummy,” Doniphan instructed as he reached for a tube of lubricant on his tray.

Watching her face as she realized what was coming next, Mark thanked Doniphan’s expertise in offering the distraction. He moved her easily into position and placed a hand in the center of her back to hold her in place. Cricket started to fuss but sucked furiously at the mint insert in her mouth. It seemed to comfort her for she stopped trying to turn over and laid her cheek down on the padding with an unhappy snort.

Mark carefully composed his face to disguise his amusement at Cricket’s slight rebellion. He held her in place as Doniphan parted her buttocks and applied a glob of lubricant onto her tightly clenched entrance. She wiggled as he pressed that fingertip into Cricket’s bottom to spread the slippery mixture around.

“She’s very tight rectally, Mark. You’ll need to start widening her with plugs. Do you wish to prepare her for anal sex?” Doniphan asked conversationally.

“Yes. Do you have a recommended schedule?” Mark asked, rubbing Cricket’s back when she pillowed her hands and hid her face.

“I’ll send it home with you.” He removed his finger and pressed the thick thermometer into place.

“Mark, how well does Cricket sleep? Is she getting eight hours of rest each night?” Doniphan asked.

“No way. Working the evening shift at the Harbor Bar and Grill gets her home late. She doesn’t sleep for eight full hours most nights,” Mark shared.

“River struggles to get enough sleep as well. I’ve implemented a daily nap time for her in her crib from two to four. That gives her enough time to eat and get ready for work.”

“Does she sleep?” Mark asked, doubtful that Cricket would actually yield to her need for rest.

“She didn’t at first. But I required her to stay in her bed for the two hours with only her stuffie. River quickly adjusted to napping. Now she tells me when it’s time for her to lie down,” Doniphan replied.

“Sounds like I need to establish a routine,” Mark said. “I’d like Cricket to eat healthier as well.”

“Counteract the fries they eat at night?” Doniphan asked with a knowing laugh.


Mark ran his fingers through Cricket’s blonde hair when she made a noise. “I know, baby girl. It’s not fair that the nurse practitioner taking care of you knows all your secrets.”

“I’ll give you the recipe for River’s favorite smoothie. You’ll have to tweak the recipe slightly to adjust for Cricket’s flavor preferences, but it’s a tasty way to sneak in some fruits and vegetables. I’ll also make a vitamin for Cricket that addresses any needs I find in the test.”