“Great idea,” Mark nodded, making mental notes of Doniphan’s suggestions to take care of Cricket.

“Okay, Cricket. Time’s up. Let’s check that temperature,” Doniphan told her cheerfully before pulling out the thermometer and reading the measurement. “Perfect. Time to turn over, little girl.” His gloves snapped as he swapped them out for fresh ones.

* * *

Happy to turn over so Doniphan couldn’t do anything else to her bottom, Cricket froze as she realized just how exposed she was now in the brightly lit exam room. She covered her breasts automatically to shield herself from the medic’s eyes.

“Hands over your head, Cricket. I need to check your breasts,” Doniphan instructed, moving to her side and tugging one hand to the top of the table. Mark followed quickly with the other and moved behind her head to hold both wrists in his hands.

“Be good, baby girl,” Mark warned.

Peering up into his eyes, Cricket knew there was nothing that she could say to sway him. She snapped her eyes closed and sucked on the pacifier as Doniphan’s hands touched her skin. He pressed in a circular pattern on each breast, ending by pressing on the nipple. His touch was practiced and compassionate, compounding what Cricket already knew about the medic who cared for everyone in the unit.

“Examine her breasts every month, Mark. It’s best after her cycle to avoid discomfort. Cricket is very sensitive.”

Cricket peeked up at her daddy to see how he reacted to Doniphan’s instructions. As she guessed, her disciplined soldier daddy listened carefully. She relaxed a bit more on the table. These exams were the worst, but it was better to have Mark with her. She kept her eyes cracked open a small amount instead of hiding behind closed eyelids.

“Good girl,” Mark praised her in a quiet voice and lifted one hand from her wrists to brush through her hair as Doniphan’s hands moved lower to examine her abdomen.

“There’s a bit of congestion here. I’ll treat her here before you leave. Let me show you what to check for,” Doniphan said, waving Mark to stand by her midsection. He pressed in a couple of spots low on her stomach before removing his hands so Mark could feel what the medic pointed out.

“Ouch,” Cricket protested.

“Sorry, baby girl. Doniphan’s going to help me take better care of you,” Mark promised.

“Time to scoot down to the edge of the table, Cricket, so I can check you internally,” the medic said, lifting the stirrups into place at the sides of the table.

Without thinking, Cricket shook her head. She wanted to be a good girl but hated this exam. She gasped, releasing the pacifier from her mouth, as the two men lifted her from each side after exchanging a glance, and shifted her bottom into place.

“Wait!” she pleaded, but they were too fast, placing her feet on the metal supports and attaching the straps to secure her in place. Doniphan pulled a retractable belt from under the padded top and handed it to Mark who clicked it into place tight under her breasts. She reached a hand out to Mark with a pleading look.

“I know, baby girl. I’m here with you,” Mark reassured her, taking her hand.

She watched Doniphan sit between her legs so her most intimate spaces were exposed completely to his view. When he clicked on a lamp and focused it on her body, Cricket closed her eyes so she wouldn’t see anything else. The heat radiating from the bulb warmed her inner thighs.

“You’ll feel my fingers examining your outer labia, Cricket,” Doniphan alerted her before starting.

Cricket tried not to squirm as he touched her. She could feel the wetness growing and didn’t know if it was the slick solution doctors used or her own reaction.

“She lubricates well, Mark,” Doniphan shared as he moved to her inner lips and pushed back the hood of her clitoris to check her responses.

As his finger slid inside, he added, “Cricket is petite everywhere. Be sure to supplement her natural juices during extended lovemaking sessions.”

Groaning when one finger became two, Cricket lost track of their conversation as she struggled to resist the arousal blooming inside her as Doniphan’s fingers stroked over the walls of her pussy. The breath gushed from her lungs in relief when his fingers slid out.

“I’m taking a peek inside and taking a few samples, Cricket,” Doniphan informed her before inserting the speculum.

She tried to hold still as it clicked open and Doniphan fell silent as he looked inside her. Feeling the brush of a long swab, Cricket squeezed Mark’s hand.

“You okay, baby?” Mark asked her, leaning forward to look into her eyes.

“I’m okay,” she whispered as small sounds hinted that Doniphan was preparing the samples for testing. “I’m being good.”

“You are, baby girl. I’m proud of you for being so brave.”

“Almost done, Cricket,” Doniphan assured her.

“Mark, Cricket’s cervix is a bit red. That happens to some women after deep sexual positions.”