Page 64 of Cold



I rana towel over Romare’s skin, wiping away the blood. He stood still, staring straight ahead. I gently lifted his chin and gazed down at him. He’d finally stopped crying and now he was out of it. I pushed my fingers into his hair.

“Romare, say something.”

He blinked and gazed around like he’d just woken up from a long nap. Romare’s gray eyes were red-lined and he sniffled before his eyes focused on me. “Where are we?”

“Still at the hotel,” I said. “A different room.”

“Another one?” he mumbled. “Won’t we get caught?”

I shook my head. “No. The management works closely with the Bianchi’s; they won’t say anything.” I frowned thinking about the traitor that had ratted us out and told Sergei we were here. They’ll be dealt with. I returned my attention to Romare. “Take a deep breath for me, baby.”

Romare closed his eyes and took in a long, slow breath. When he exhaled, he opened his eyes and tilted his head at me.

“I killed him,” he whispered.

I nodded. “Yes. You did what you had to do.”

“The boys? Are they safe? What if he was lying?” Romare frowned. “I might have gotten them all killed.”

“I have men checking it out now. They’ll report in soon.” I reached over and turned on the shower. “First, we need to get cleaned up. You’ll feel a lot better.”

“Will I?” Romare asked. He frowned. “Why don’t I feel anything?”

“You’re in shock,” I said as I stripped him of his clothing. “After a while, it’s going to wear off and you’ll feel a hell of a lot worse. And then better.”

Romare nodded. “Maybe you’re right.” He held out his hand. “Can we get this blood off?”

“Of course.”

I stepped into the shower and pulled him along with me. Romare melted in my arms, his slender body against mine soft and small. I held him the entire time we showered, only freeing one hand long enough to wash his hair and body. The water around our feet swirled with pink as the blood ran off and disappeared down the drain.

The silence between us felt good after all the noise that had transpired. I gritted my teeth as I climbed out of the shower and snagged a bottle of whiskey that I’d brought into the bathroom with me.

“You’re hurting,” Romare said, water raining down on him as he frowned. “We should be getting you to a doctor, not worrying about me.”

I shrugged. “I’ve been shot before,” I said as I stepped back into the stall. “A couple of pain pills and I’ll be out for the night. I care more about what you’re going through.”

Romare wrapped his arms around me. “Thank you,” he sighed. “You really are the best Daddy in the world.” He pulled back and smiled up at me. “But can we get all wrapped up and pretend none of this is happening until we get the call that the others are okay? My brain hurts.”

“I’ll take care of you.”

The smile that touched his lips made my heart soar. My Romare was finally free of that asshole. I was going to give him the world and show him what love was supposed to look like. Everything in me craved scooping Romare up into my arms and carrying him into the room. But I knew if I tried that I would end up on the ground in pain.

Romare let me lead him around as I took him out of the shower and dried him off. I helped him get into bed, wrapped a blanket around him, and turned on the TV. As I flipped through, his eyes lit up on cartoons and I stopped.

He’s definitely going small.

I took out my phone and messaged one of my men. When I decided to take us out to the beach, I’d packed some supplies into the car in case this happened. I was glad I liked to be prepared for everything.

“Let’s at least get you in some underwear,” I suggested. “Come on, give me those legs.”

Romare groaned. “I don’t wanna move.”

I pulled the blanket off, wrapped a hand around his ankle, and tugged. Romare yelped, his eyes going wide. I grabbed his underwear and dragged them up his legs and over his hips. Searching around, I dug into the bag I’d had brought over from the other room and tugged out a t-shirt of mine.