Yes, they had been. Amadeo and even Vito pressured me into answering about the Ivanovs. What if they’re all just using me?
“What? You don’t love me anymore?” Sergei asked.
I didn’t know. I was being tugged in two different directions. As much as I hated Sergei, I still loved him. He had given me the world and I was ready to throw it back in his face. Yes, he’d hurt me. But hadn’t that been for my own benefit? I spent my first year crying and thinking about death, but afterward? I was strong. I could handle myself. I could protect myself and other people. Sergei had broken me down and built me back up.
So why did it all feel so wrong?
I whimpered. “I do,” I whispered as I glanced away from him. “I’m confused.”
“Don’t be,” he cooed, his thick Russian accent a familiar blanket I wanted to wrap myself in. “I’m the one that has given you everything and I can take it away, Romare. Do you want that? Look at me!”
I snapped my eyes back up to him and he captivated me with his gaze. “No,” I answered. “Please, I’ll be good.”
“Then apologize,” he said as his hand pushed into my hair. “Apologize for even thinking about betraying me.”
“I’m sorry,” I said quickly, my training kicking in. “I’m so, so, sorry. Sergei, I’ll be good, I promise.”
I was snapped right back to the beginning, to the place where I belonged. The truth was that I was nothing. Sergei had made me into something better, a soldier. I could kill and die for him because he turned me into someone who wasn’t a sniveling, pathetic piece of shit. I owed him my life.
The doorknob jiggled. When it didn’t open, a loud knock rapped on the door and I jumped. My heart raced and I stared at it before Sergei yanked my head back and pushed a thick finger against his lips.
“I have to answer,” I whispered. “Or he’ll get suspicious.”
Sergei pressed his lips against my ear. “I know that, but if you say one wrong word-”
“I know.” When he pulled back and the knocking came harder, I called out to Vito. “I’m fine!”
“What’s taking you so long?” he asked. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yes! My stomach hurts a little, but I’m okay!”
“Are you sure?” He jiggled the knob hard. “Why is this door locked?”
“Privacy!” I called back. “I swear I’m almost finished, okay?”
“Romare, I’m not supposed to let you out of my sight.”
I sighed. “Yes, I know,” I called. “Two more minutes! I need to wash my hands.”
“Alright,” he called back. “Hurry up.”
I had to get Vito away from here. The moment he stepped into the bathroom, Sergei would pull the trigger and he’d be dead. I imagined Vito lying on the floor, bleeding out, staring at me with cold, empty eyes.
My stomach clenched and rolled. I felt the bile rise in my throat. Closing my eyes, I swallowed it down, trying not to vomit all over Sergei.
“I have to go,” I whispered to him as I opened my eyes again.
“See you at the hotel.”
I nodded and reached past him to flush the toilet. He allowed me to go. Finally. I washed my hands and dried them off on my swimming trunks. Standing at the door, I took in a deep breath and exhaled before I opened it.
“Are you okay?” Vito asked again.
“Yes.” I laid a hand on my stomach. “Something didn’t agree with me. Can we just go to the hotel? I don’t want ice cream anymore.”
Vito frowned. “You sure?”