Page 51 of Cold



We loungedon the sand while I took in everything Romare had said to me. I glanced over at his sleeping form, curled around his cat as his chest rose and fell. I’d always known there was something off about him, but actually hearing the words he was going to kill me felt different.

So why wasn’t I ending him first?

If it was anyone else, it would have been simple to slit his throat and toss him into a dumpster. But not Romare. Even if he’d decided to kill me right then and there on the towel earlier, I probably would have let him if I knew he wouldn’t end up right back in the arms of his abuser.

I couldn’t allow that.

Reaching over, I traced my fingers over his warm skin. Romare was a gift. I’d had a lot taken away from me over the years, but I was determined to keep him. I pulled out my phone and texted Amadeo.

Vito: We need to meet. Tomorrow. Early.

Amadeo: What’s up?

Vito: A lot.

Amadeo: See you at your place.

Vito: No too small. R will hear everything. I’ll come to your house.

Amadeo: That’s fine. See you then.

I stared at the screen and forced myself to put the phone down. There was so much I needed to tell him and it sat at the forefront of my mind. But if I sent what I wanted to say through text Amadeo would be pissed off and that was just adding another problem that none of us needed.

Pushing the phone aside, I leaned down and kissed Romare’s plump lips. He moaned and shifted against the blanket before he went right back to sleep. I chuckled.

“You’re too sweet,” I whispered. “I feel like you’re going to get ripped away from me and it’s painful.”

It made the old me want to resurface. The one that was known for murder and mayhem. I’d quieted that part of me a long time ago. The only thing it led to was death and destruction. But I’d pull it back out for Romare.


I blinked and focused on Romare. When had I drifted off in my thoughts?

“Hey,” I answered.

Romare pushed himself up. “Can we make sandcastles?”

I smiled at him. “That’s what you wake up and want to do?” I grabbed a container full of fruit and opened it. “Eat first and then we can make all the sandcastles you want.”


He snatched up Mr. Whiskers and scooched over to me. I picked up a plump, red strawberry and pressed it against his lips. Romare smiled as he took a huge bite and juice dribbled over his lip and dripped down his chin.

“You’re making a mess.” I laughed as I picked up a napkin and cleaned him up a bit. “Is it good?”

“Delicious! You have some too.”

I nodded and choose a huge slice of watermelon. Being out in the hot, Georgia sun, it was definitely time to cool off. As I ate, I felt Romare’s eyes on me. When I glanced at him, he looked away quickly.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re really okay? With how I am?” he asked. “Even though I’m fucked up?”

I thought about it. “Probably more so because you’re fucked up,” I admitted. “If you had been perfect and didn’t need me, I don’t think I would have fallen for you. But it’s hard to ignore someone who’s hurting.”