Page 42 of Outlaw's Prize

I wrap my arms around him, interrupting him. I tighten my grip around his firm body, already crying. I feel his hands on my back, I didn’t realize the jacket had fallen off.

“It’s going to be okay. Just tell me what you want.”

I sob in his arms, mind finally at peace but also blank. I had it all planned in my head; what I would do if I ever got my freedom back. Everything just evaporated after hearing the question but it doesn’t matter. I will have a whole uninterrupted night to think about it.

I pull back and dry my tears using the back of my hand. He picks up the coat and covers me again.

“I have nothing. I don’t have anywhere to go or any other clothes to change to.”

“We can go to my friend’s house. It’s quiet there, no one will bother you and then tomorrow, we will get you some clothes.”

“I really don’t want to be alone in a quiet room.”

“It’s okay. We can go to the clubhouse and you can spend the night in my room. The bikers can be noisy sometimes, but it doesn’t last the whole night.”

“No, I think the noise will be great, honestly. Anything to escape my thoughts and memories even if it is just for a night.”

“Okay, let’s go,” he says leading me to the curb and flagging down a taxi.

* * *


“Hmm, did she just hug him? He must be very charming and convincing,” Jason says. I’m still drowning my sorrows in scotch. Maybe it would be better if I didn’t have these idiots reminding me of what happened just a few minutes ago—every five seconds.

“Maybe he promised to treat her better and take care of her,” Tomas says.

“Enzo treated her well if you ask me,” says Kevin.

“Tell a woman exactly what she wants to hear and she will run to your arms like a breastfeeding toddler. That Outlaw sure knows his way around women,” Eva says.

I finish my glass, needing to get away. Picking up the two hundred from Outlaw and my bill, I stagger to the counter to pay. I just need to get home, to get away from here. I don’t have it in me to keep chatting with these dumbasses. It’s been a long and tense night. I have an important meeting tomorrow, even if I don’t feel like doing business. Maybe after some rest, I’ll feel better.