Page 37 of Outlaw's Prize



Tonight, is one of those nights that I have to dress half naked in order to draw attention to Enzo. Sometimes I feel saying ‘enough is enough’ is called for but what would follow? Probably my death, though I’m back to wishing it would just happen.

The black form fitting skirt I am to wear to the casino covers only my butt and a small section of my thighs. I have a lacy black bra on and a fishnet shirt over that. I am not allowed to wear a sweater. But for the first time, I will be wearing black and white sneakers.

I hate that I’m dressing for him to put me on display but I do like getting out of the mansion. I guess I’ve gotten used to the company at the casino, even if I hate and loathe them as much as Enzo.

“Are you done?” Enzo asks as he barges into my room.

“Can I please wear a sweater tonight? It is usually cold out there and I……….”

“I don’t give a shit about what you feel or what you want. Your aim should be to always look good for me,” he interrupts bitterly.


I’m lucky to have not fallen sick so far as a result of cold. He sees me shiver and my body filled with goosebumps but still proceeds with their meaningless stories like I don’t even matter.

“Meet me downstairs in five. I don’t want to keep the Outlaw waiting.”

“Well, you can always leave me behind. All I do is sit and stare at your table.”

In a blink of an eye, he has me pushed up against the wall, a hand on my throat, “Question me again and I swear you will regret it.”

He angrily throws me on the bed and storms out. I try my best not to cry. I don’t want to show up with red and swollen eyes as that would give his friends a different viewpoint of Enzo and he will take out his anger on me. Everything he goes through has a direct impact on me. I wish there was a way to know when all the suffering would come to an end.

I fix myself and meet him downstairs in the said time. I have to wait for him for about three minutes to finish talking on the phone while hysterically laughing.

He walks past me without saying a word. I hurry, following him to avoid more chaos. I hope he didn’t make me wear these sneakers so he can have me running around. I think to myself as I follow him to his black Audi Q7.

The drive to the casino is silent and I prefer it that way. I have to ready myself for the insults that will be thrown at me that night. He offers me his hand and smiles at those around us when we arrive. Part of the reason he goes to the casino is to show me off, that he has me and others can’t. I’m his show dog, except treated worse.

The Outlaw is seated at our table already when we arrive. He is in company of Jason and the only other lady of the group. I never was introduced so I don’t know her name. I’m rarely greeted by anyone after they have greeted Enzo but the man offers me his hand for a handshake and it would be rude if I didn’t at least shake his hand.

“I hope we didn’t keep you waiting,” Enzo says, sitting in his usual chair.

“No. Jason and Eva have been great company.”

“I’m pleased to hear that.”

The waiter brings me a stool as usual and places it next to Enzo. “No, wait,” the Outlaw says just as I am about to sit. “There are other plenty empty chairs in here,” he says and quickly grabs a chair behind him then brings it to where I am standing. “Here you go, ma’am. Take back the stool,” he says to the waiter. Enzo doesn’t say anything. I am already impressed by the stranger who clearly questions everything around him.

I nod at him as a thank you as I sit. Everything on the poker table is clear now. I had no idea how much I was missing sitting on that low stool until that moment.

“I’m sure the others will join us in no time,” Enzo says, breaking the silence.

“No problem, Mr. Enzo.”

“No, tonight, simply call me Enzo. “

“Got that, Enzo.”

The rest of the group members arrive about ten minutes later, all apologetic and making dry jokes about it.

“So, it’s official, Mr. Outlaw? Tonight is all about business,” Kevin says. He is a short man who never stops making praising comments about my body and making Enzo feel like he is on top of the world.

“Mostly,” says Outlaw. His is a peculiar name but just like with everything else on and around that table, I don’t care.