Page 9 of Outlaw's Prize

“A reporter has been hanging around. I fucked her and then sent her on her way,” I muttered.

He snorts, “Did you know she was a reporter?”

“She kind of started an interview, but said she was an accountant,” I tell him.

“She was asking about…?”

I know what he’s asking, she wanted to know about my family.

“Yeah,” I half whispered.

“Fuck, man. I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault. I’m thinking I might just get a place of my own. I can do my checks, nod and smile, and then go home. Hawk can be security. He’s the enforcer anyways.”

I gave him that job after the club voted me president. It gives him something to do and he does love to rough people up, just as much as he loves fucking.

“Sasha wants you over for dinner,” he says.

“Maybe this week,” I nod as the guys make their way in.

I pound the table to get their attention.

“We have three hang arounds wanting to prospect,” I tell them.

“Jake, Jensen, and Maxim,” Gunner states.

“I’ll sponsor Jensen,” Snoopy says.

“I’ll take Jake,” Tank replies.

“Maxim is my brother, I’ll sponsor him,” Konstantin says.

“Okay, so all in favor of taking on the three prospects?”

All hands go in the air.

“All right, let them know their shit detail starts today,” I tell the sponsors.

“Be ready by five to escort,” I remind them and then dismiss them.

I go back through the important details for this event, if one could call it that. The client is an Italian mafia boss who loves nothing more than power, influence, and women. He hates being bothered and doesn’t like it when things don’t go his way. He will have his own security, but we are just escorting his limo to the casino. They’re not legal in Tennessee, so this is one that’s off the books. All the criminal underworld will be there.

The guys changed into button up shirts under their cuts, along with dark jeans free of stains and rips. Good job, fellas. Some even have new biker boots on. If the man makes it to this underground casino, we make a cool 25K, just from escorting him. That sets us up good, for a long time. Like I said, the man loves money and power, he has both.

“I like the effort, brothers. Let’s not try to piss this guy off. He’s killed for the hell of it. Just know that for tonight, he’s the boss, what he says goes. We already know we’re getting a good chunk of change, maybe we’ll get another zero added if we’re all on our best behavior,” I say. They all cheer, they know what’s at stake.

"Hades!" A voice shouts from within the group and a loud, deep response, "Hades! Hades! Hades!" follows.

It is going to be a heck of a night. Can't wait to see where the night takes us.

It's 6:56 pm and we should be at the starting point at exactly 8 pm. There's still time so I rush back inside to make sure I didn't forget anything as everyone else is confirming their rides are ready to roll.

My reflection in a face-sized mirror catches my eyes. Unlike most bikers, my hair is short and so is my full beard. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be the president of an MC three years later.

"You deserve everything that befalls you. Always fucking remember that," I say to my reflection.

"Outlaw, there's no time for you to perfect your make up. Just get out the way you are. They will love you regardless."

Hawk's words from downstairs makes me chuckle. I shake my head as I pat my pockets while looking around. I have everything I'll need. I don't want to hear another word out of Hawk's mouth so I head out.