Page 39 of Outlaw's Prize

Enzo laughs, looking at everyone else at the table as if asking them, ‘does this bastard know what he is saying?’ Everyone chuckles except Outlaw, Eva, and I.

“I mean it, you and me. I want to see how badly I play before I come to the table. I don’t want to embarrass you since you invited me,” Outlaw states. Smooth and bold, playing up Enzo like he’s the king of everything.

“Outlaw, I admire your confidence but you don’t have the slightest idea what you are getting yourself into but if that’s what you want, who am I to say no? Let’s play a friendly game. I’m sure it will be over before it even begins.” The men except Outlaw chuckle at Enzo’s words.

“No. Let’s play for a price,” he says boldly.

“Excuse me?” Enzo asks. Even I am startled by his words.

“I don’t want to play a friendly game. I want to play for a prize.”

Enzo chuckles. “I hate to be the one to discourage you but…….”

“Then don’t,” Outlaw interrupts.

“Okay. But I am warning you, whatever it is you are placing on the table tonight better not cost you your life’s savings or your future because you will lose it,” Enzo warns.


The situation suddenly got heated at the table. I have seen people challenge Enzo to a poker game and it did not end well for them. With Outlaw, he doesn’t seem concerned—at all.

“Good. I am glad we are on the same page there. So, how much money do you want from me? What do you want as a prize if, and I stress, if you win? Remember, you don’t have to do this.”

“Her,” he responds, pointing at me with his head. My jaw drops. Everyone but Outlaw is laughing.

“You are serious? You want her as your prize?”

“I do.” His confidence starts scaring me. What does he want with me? I question to myself even though the answer is clear in the back of my head. He has been eyeing me since we arrived. He just wants in my panties, like all the other men.

“I think you’re crazy. I’m sorry but what makes you think you stand a chance against me?”

“Nothing, honestly. But as I said, I can only know how good or bad I am at poker depending on who I play with.”

Enzo looks at me then Outlaw. “Why her? Why this one girl whose net worth is zero when you could have asked for any amount of money?” Enzo asks the question I have been asking myself.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Enzo. Her worth isn’t defined by the money she has or what she can offer,” he says. It’s the sweetest thing anyone has said about me in a really long time.

“You’re crazy to think you will win,” Enzo chuckles as he takes a hold of my leg. He squeezes, hurting me.

“That’s why my road name is Outlaw. So, Enzo, whatcha say? The girl is the prize if I win,” Outlaw grins like he is confident in his words.

“Hell, let’s do this. This will be fun, I love your choice of words—if. I have only one question though, what if she doesn’t want you?” he asks.

“If I win, she doesn’t have a choice, she’s my prize,” he states.

Tears flood my eyes the minute he utters those words. I’m just a toy for men to play with and a prize to be won. That’s all I’m ever going to be the rest of my damned life. I take a few deep breaths, trying to force a smile on my face. I try to tune them out because I don’t know how much more of any of this I can take.

“Fine. Everyone at the table are witnesses. IF you beat me—the poker king—at poker, you can have Everleigh Harper as your prize,” Enzo chuckles like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He will win.

“Great. Now that that’s settled, name your prize or price, I should say.”

“That’s funny. That’s the exact statement I used when I bought her six months ago,” Enzo says, laughing. “Hmm, let me see. You don’t want to go easy on me and you turned down my offer for a friendly game of poker. You are going to regret this, and it is going to be fun for me to watch.

So, when I win, you will sign an exclusive contract that states from now on, you will be working for just me. You will not have your own rules, just the ones I lay down for you and no limits to the tasks I give you. In other words, I will own your motorcycle club. You, as the president, will be working under me and seeing to it my needs are met. And, oh, you don’t get the girl.”

A murmur follows among the group. Outlaw’s confident and relaxed face has changed to a concerned one. He is staring at the table, probably thinking whether it’s worth it. The bikers will kill him if they find out what he did without their consent. No one ever wants to be owned, especially not a gang of bikers who are used to doing whatever they want.

I am not sure on whose side I should be on. The stranger who wants me as his prize? I have no idea what he will do to me given he is a president of a fucking motorcycle club. Or the mafia boss I am familiar with? and I know the worst he can do to me. Either way, even if I had an opinion, I wouldn’t be permitted to talk. I just have to watch them play poker with my life and do nothing about it.