Page 16 of Outlaw's Prize

She sits on the stool; her legs spread and stretch to the floor. She gestures me to come to her using her index finger. The last thing I want is my night ruined by someone who claims to be a whore and acts like one so I force a smile and approach her.

She rests her legs on my shoulders and elbows on the window stool for support.

“I want you back inside me. I want to see your face as you fuck me nice and hard, daddy.” She reaches for my cock and pulls me to her. I can’t help but wish she was more like Riley or other composed, controlled, confident yet alluring girls out there.

I let out a sigh of satisfaction and relief when I finally climax on the floor and not in her.

I gently put her feet on the floor and go to the bathroom. I had fun, kind of, but that was an experience I never want to go through again. Every day we learn and that day, I added knowledge on what to look for in my sexual partners.

She is the last person I want to spend the night with and I know it won’t be easy for her to leave unless I go with her. She kisses me when I walk out of the bathroom as she goes in. She comes out with toilet paper shortly after and cleans my mess on the floor.

Shit, I had totally forgotten about that.

She does have a good side after all.

“Don’t go anywhere, daddy. Our night has just begun.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” I mutter the minute she goes back in the bathroom. I’m not sure if I can even spend another minute with her. Her night might just be beginning, but mine is ending and not with her.

I rarely go back and join a party but tonight will be one of those rare nights that I make an appearance. She walks out of the bathroom, clothes and hair fixed, grinning at me.

“Ready for round two?”

“Not right now. I have to rejoin the party. I’m the president so I have to keep an eye on the party,” I open the door, waiting for her to follow.

“Wow, I just got fucked by a motorcycle club president. Best night ever.”

“You coming?”

“Of course. I can’t wait to tell my friends,” she says running towards me, trying to embrace me. I have to literally peel her off of me.

My response is shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

It’s like she thinks I’m her boyfriend.

“See you around.” I walk away from her, not looking back, not waiting to hear a response. I’m not her boyfriend. I’m just a dick to fuck. She should know what she’s getting into when she comes to parties here.

I walk to the bar where Jim quickly pours me glass of whiskey. I salute him as I take the drink and head towards the bar table with six of my guys and two girls.

“Outlaw, where have you been? Haven’t seen you around,” says Snoopy.

“I’ve been around,” I respond, taking a sip.

“Around getting busy with that chick I just saw you with,” says Knuckles. He is one of the few bikers with short hair and trimmed beard like me.

“Yeah, you can say that,” I respond looking around at the clubhouse.

“And now you are looking for another one. When are you going to stop fucking every single girl you fucking set your eyes on?” he asks in a raised voice and bangs his knuckles on the table making everyone around us silent. “Don’t you have dignity or at least respect for the girls.” He sounds bitter. He usually addresses me in a bitter tone most of the time so I am used to him.

“Where is this coming from, buddy?”

“Don’t buddy me with that filthy mouth of yours, Outlaw.”

“Okay, I’m sorry.” He’s out of line today, what’s gotten into him?

He chuckles in disgust. “Did you all hear that? The Outlaw is sorry.” He shouts to the top of his lungs earning the attention of everyone in the clubhouse. The music is tuned down and I am starting to regret coming downstairs.

“Why are you sorry? Is it maybe because your life is miserable, and you have no one? That is why you try to fill the void by inserting your dick in every girl who falls victim to your sorry eyes. Or maybe you are sorry because you will never be like any of us, accomplished family men with purpose in life. Oh, that’s right. You don’t know what it’s like having a family. Now that I think about it, that is the reason you never want to be in a relationship. You don’t want to fall so deep in love only for them to be snatched from you. That’s why your scared little ass decided to be the outlaw. Well. Here’s some news, Outlaw, fucking the girls won’t bring your family back.”

The club is silent, I watch as everyone steps away from Knuckles.

The booming rage inside me is uncontrollable and I hurl myself at him, knocking him off the chair and to the floor. I punch him in the face, so hard, I hear a crunch. I don’t know how I stood but somehow, I am on my feet with his shirt in my hands and his scared bleeding face on the table. My second fist aimed for his head is stopped in mid-air by his pleading eyes.

“Never talk to me like that again.” I bang his shoulders on the table, smash my glass on the floor, and walk towards the staircase. The bikers and their dates make way for me, fear and concern evident in their drunk faces.

I slam my bedroom door and throw my weight diagonally on the bed. Knuckles has always been bitter towards me for being made the MC president. He always believed he was more deserving of the spot than anyone else, especially me. I don’t know what to do to make him accept that things didn’t go according to his plan and the least he can do is try and be happy with me as the president.