The sex had been satisfying, but this was more. He slid down her body, gently pushing her to her back, spreading her legs. He kissed the scar on her thigh, rubbed his nose along it. And the mark that had always made her self-conscious suddenly became beautiful.

He put his mouth on her center, fitting his fingers inside her and stroking her gently. He learned what she liked, played his tongue over her slowly, until she was delirious.

It was so much better, so much sweeter. She thought of that old song, Killing Me Softly. That’s what he did to her, killed her with pleasure and sweetness and caring.

The sensations were too much, a tsunami building inside her. When it crashed over her, she cried out, squeezing him tight between her legs, but even before it was over, he slid inside, all the way, hitting that perfect spot and forcing the sensations to go on and on.

Until she needed more.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she clapped her hands on his butt and pulled him deep, forcing him to pound her deliriously hard. Until this time, the tsunami dragged them down together.

* * *

Xandros went out earlyfor eggs, bread, potatoes, and tomatoes to make breakfast.

Angela was groggy with emotion even though it was past ten in the morning. They’d slept late. She called Sienna; her daughter didn’t answer. She hadn’t expected her to. But Carter was leaving today, which meant Sienna would have to come back to the villa at some point.

The phone rang. She grabbed it, praying it was her daughter, but it was an unknown number. She took the call anyway.

“Angela?” He said as if he wasn’t sure. “It’s Carter.”

“Is Sienna okay?” Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it would beat right out of her chest.

“She’s okay, Angela. But—”

She cut him off. “Can I talk to her? Please.”

She could hear his breath as he thought about it. Finally, he said, “I wanted her to talk to you, or at least text you. But she’s not ready.”

The heart that seemed to beat so hard ceased altogether. She’d lost her daughter forever. The knowledge paralyzed her.

“We’ve changed her ticket, and she’s flying home with us today. I wanted to let you know. I’m talking to her, comforting her, trying to get her to see that she at least needs to hear your side of the story.”

The subtext of his words was that Sienna didn’t want to hear anything her mother said. Angela was sick deep in her bones, as if a fast-growing cancer had overpowered her cells.

“When you’re home, please get her to talk to me.” She begged Carter to give her hope.

“She needs time, Angela.”

There was no time. As soon as she got home, Sienna would go to Donald, and he’d tell her everything in the worst way possible.

“Don’t let her talk to her father.” She stopped herself. That was the problem. Donald wasn’t her father. “Don’t let her talk to Donald until I can talk to her. Please.”

“I wish I could make you promises, but I can only say I’m taking care of her. I won’t let her go through this alone. I’ll do whatever I can to make things easier.”

“Thank you for looking out for her. I know you’re doing your best in the situation, but please let her know I’m so sorry. I didn’t want her to find out like this.”

“I’ll tell her. Just give her time, Angela.” Then he was gone.

She flew out of the villa and up the stairs to Carter’s terrace. The cleaners were already vacuuming and mopping the floors. She was too late. They were on their way.

A brainstorm struck, and she raced to her room for her phone. She had to change her flight, catch up with them. But when she checked, there was no way she could get on a flight out of Santorini that would make the San Francisco connection in Athens.

Xandros, grocery bag in hand, caught her coming down the stairs. “What’s wrong?”

She tried not to cry, but tears stole her vision. “Sienna changed her flight. She’s going home with Carter, and they’ve already left.” She held up her phone. “The flight from Santorini is already boarding, so there’s no way I can get on the afternoon flight out of Athens.”

Xandros dumped the bag on the table and pushed her into a chair. “Just change your Athens flight to today. I can get you there.”