Page 8 of Dare To Love Me


Iplopped down on the cushion of our U-shaped VIP seating, blowing out a heavy breath past my lips. I forgot how tiring dancing could be.

After we’d come down to our reserved section and finished off another drink we wasted no time getting our groove on. I danced and shook my ass to the music with enough enthusiasm I’m surprised I didn’t throw out a hip or strain a muscle.

I bunched my hair in my hand, waving at the back of my neck, hoping to dry the sweat that had accumulated there.

But as Arianna and I sat waiting for our next round of drinks, taking a much needed break, the questions started swimming in my vision again. The ones that had been hanging on the tip of my tongue ever since we’d left Luca’s office. And the ones that had me raising my brows the moment we arrived at our section. But I didn’t know if I wanted to take things there in the moment. We have all week to talk, right? So, I bit my tongue.

But, after a few moments and thanks to liquid encouragement, my curiosity won out. “Why are these two booths empty?” I shouted at Arianna over the music, gesturing to either side of us. They were the only two empty VIP spaces in the whole club. Coincidence? I think not. “And why do we need two bouncers?”

When we first arrived Mark had taken up his post at one side and not a minute went by before another had shown up. Both standing watch like killer guard dogs. A little excessive.

She leaned in so she wouldn’t have to yell so loud. “Matteo is very protective,” she replied, matter of factly. “He doesn’t want a bunch of drunk guys hitting on me when he’s not around. If he can help it.”

Then the waitress showed up with another round of drinks. She had incredibly long blond hair and blue eyes. She set the drinks down on the small round table and left, throwing a wink at our bouncers as she went.

I sipped my drink and hummed. “This place is amazing.” I loved everything about it; the colors— the ambiance— the music. It was sexy, bold and seductive. I could get used to coming to a place like this.

“Yeah,” Arianna agreed. “Matteo owns a couple of other clubs and lounges but this is my favorite. We come here a lot because Matteo is always needing to do business with Luca.”

“Speaking of Luca and Matteo?” I started before I could think not too, “why do they both carry guns?”

Her face shot up from the rim of her glass, almost spilling her drink. Did she really think I wouldn’t notice?

But I had. I got glimpses of shoulder holsters and dark-grey metal under both men’s coats. It hadn’t frightened me, I was used to guns. My grandpa had owned enough to outfit a small army and taught me how to use one when I was still young. I even had my own CCW for back home. A girl could never be too careful. Being from northern California there are lots of people who conceal carry, but I wanted to see how Arianna would explain Matteo and Luca’s.

First she cleared her throat. “Luca most times does cash drops to the bank and it’s a hell of a lot of money to have on you without being able to protect yourself. And Matteo, he’s gotten threats from disgruntled past business partners, so he doesn’t want to leave anything to chance.”

I cocked my eyebrow at her. Ok, those were good answers but it felt… forced.

“What?” Arianna elbowed me in the side and flashed a smile of mock innocence. A Shan Paul song came on, throwing the crowd into hysteria. “Let’s dance!” She ripped me from the couch and started rocking her hips to the beat.

I danced but there was more than the music screaming in my mind. There was Luca.

They said they would be joining us, and the thought had my body spiraling. Would they dance with us? I wanted to dance with him. Wanted to feel that tingling sensation down my entire body as Luca pressed against me.

I had never wanted a man like this before. It was frightening and exhilarating. The two mixed into one tumbling snowball rolling down a mountain. The more I thought about him the bigger it grew, the bigger it grew the faster it went. On and on, until I was no longer in control.

But I would only be in Boston for a week. Did I want to press it and set myself up for heartache? I wasn’t a girl that did one night stands, or casual relationships that were about nothing but the sex and passing time. It wasn’t the way I was raised. Not the way I operated.

I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘Player’ was the name of the cologne Luca wore. The man was gorgeous enough to have any girl he wanted. They probably ran to him in droves. Ready and willing.

As for me, I might’ve still been a virgin to that day if it wasn’t for my stupid ex-boyfriend in college, who guilted me into it and then dumped me a week later. After that I swore off men the rest of college, and after I graduated was too busy working and taking care of my grandma for relationships. Never getting close enough to trust someone with my body enough to have sex.

But Luca, he made me… want. A want to be reckless and wild. To hope and dream of the feelings that he ignited in me. When I looked at him a swarm of butterflies took flight in my stomach. I wanted more.

No, I can’t. I knew I wouldn’t be able to detach if something did happen. I would be setting myself up for pain that I didn’t think I could handle on my own once I went home. It would be another storm cloud clashing with the one already hanging over me. And it wouldn’t just rain; it would thunder and lighting and strike me dead without mercy.

So, I would have fun and flirt but would not let myself sleep with him.

Hear that self? No, sex. Period.