Page 5 of Dare To Love Me

“You’re right,” she huffed. Then she looked at me with that gleam in her eye that always made me nervous. “But relaxing is going to have to wait because you and me are going to party our asses off tonight.”

Challenge excepted.I downed the drink in my hand and smacked the empty glass on the table top in front of us. “Bring it on.”

“Matteo!” Arianna called across the room as we made our way to the door. “We are headed down.”

I stole a glance at Luca sitting behind his desk, his eyes were locked on me. They captivated me and I felt a shiver run down my spine. There was this pull towards him I couldn’t explain. Like we were tethered to either end of a rope and the longer we stared at each other the tighter it got. Until I was crushing my heals into the floor to keep from going to him.

Get ahold of yourself. I appreciated a fine male specimen as much as the next woman, but something about Luca had my entire body buzzing. It was foreign and, overwhelming and, wonderful. I wanted more of it.

“Ok we will join you in a minute. Mark will take you down.” Matteo tipped his chin to the bouncer that had escorted me up, standing like a statue by the door, looking mad as ever.

So that’s his name. “By the way,” I couldn’t help myself, “did someone forget to feed him today? He looks like he’s about to rip out someones liver and eat it whole.”

Luca tried to hold back a chuckle, sliding a hand over his luscious lips. Matteo just smiled amusingly. Somehow I got the feeling I was suddenly on the outside of an inside joke— even though I’d started it.

“Come on.” Arianna pulled on my arm.

I took one last look back and sure enough, Luca was still staring right at me. Our eyes met and my breath was stollen by the heat swimming in his expression. I turned my head and bit my lip, my stomach doing a little flip-flop as my heart fluttered in my chest.