Page 53 of Dare To Love Me

Arianna screamed. I knew without looking back the other man must have gotten her.

The will to fight rang out as a battle cry inside my head. I twisted and thrashed, crying out in the man’s arms until I managed to wrench an arm free. Then immediately brought my hand to his face to dig my thumb deep into his eye-socket. He roared out in pain and dropped me. I stumbled but stayed on my feet. I kicked him straight in the kneecap, feeling in buckle inwards from the force. He fell to the floor howling in pain.

Screeching tires had me spinning. Arianna was being crushed by the big guy’s hold as he carried her towards a van that had just pulled up in the next lane.

No! No! No!I sprang forward.

Before he could clear the parked cars, I came up behind him and kicked him between the legs with everything I had. He screamed, releasing Arianna and falling face first to the concrete, cupping his balls and gagging.

Three men came spilling out of the van.

“Come on!” I found Arianna’s hand and began to drag her once again through the dim lighting. She was breathing hard and still crying. I had to get her out. The sounds of men giving chase filled my ears. My heart beat like a war drum in my chest, thudding so hard I felt my ribs would crack.

A wiry, little man appeared ahead of us in a maintenance uniform. He was fumbling, trying hard to get an employee door open. His body shook with terror. No doubt he’d heard the shots and was trying to get to safety. When he looked up and saw the mess barreling down on him, he looked close to pissing his pants.

My knee glanced off a bumper causing me to misstep and slow. I made sure Arianna moved ahead, falling a couple steps behind.

The man got the door open, scrambling inside. Arianna had just enough time to fly through the door before he slammed it shut. He wasn’t going to chance the two seconds of waiting for me.

“No!” I screamed, pounding on the door. For a split second I could hear the sound of Arianna trying to get the man to open it, but it was too late. The men had closed the gap to almost nothing. I flew into a full sprint. Leaving the door and Arianna behind. She was safe behind a locked door, that’s all that mattered.

The exit ramp appeared. Within seconds I blasted out onto the sidewalk. I had no clue where I was going, I just ran.

The sidewalks were busy. Trying to dodge around people was proving difficult, I knew it was slowing me down. I didn’t need to look back to know how fragile my lead was. All the screams and curses of people being plowed over was evidence enough.

The lights of the city lit up the surroundings. On any other night it would have been beautiful. Now, it only felt like being on display for all the world to see my life ending. While everyone else continued on with their boring, normal lives. And I felt envious of every one of them.

I flew down the street. My lungs burned like acid and my legs were in agonizing pain. A three mile run was nothing for me, I could handle endurance. But then, at full sprint and fear stealing my ability to conserve energy, I already felt like I’d run a marathon.

At the first intersection I went left, crossing the street with a mob of pedestrians, shoving my way through. The next, I went right as the "safe to cross" signal illuminated. Bystanders hollered and cursed at me, frustration and curiosity swirled in their expressions. I wanted so bad to cry out for help, to have someone come to my rescue, but at the same time hated the thought of involving anyone with my impossible mess. The men chasing me were incredibly dangerous. If an innocent person got hurt trying to help me— I would die of guilt.

After multiple blocks my pursuers didn’t show any signs of giving up. My boots hammered the sidewalk, I pumped my arms viciously, but my energy was crashing. I started to doubt if I could outlast them.

Fear drove me on. I cannot stop. If it took me running to the point of my heart exploding it would be better than being caught. Images stung my mind of all the horrific things they could do to me.

Suddenly a familiar sight came into view at the end of the buildings. Trees. I ran straight into traffic with horns blaring and tires screeching. It’s a miracle I made it across unscathed.

Buildings and bright lights disappeared, replaced by the warm glow of the lamps in the Boston Public Garden. The pounding footsteps of my attackers started fading. But so was I. I need a place to hide.

I rounded the lagoon and risked a quick glance. The men were fading fast now, falling behind corners for a few seconds. My lungs felt like heavy bags of slime in my chest. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get enough air. The slight heel of my boots had done a number on my feet, sending sharp rods of pain into my bones. My strength nearly spent. I have to hide, now!

With a good hundred-foot advantage on them I took my chance on the next corner. Ducking off the path I moved around the trunk of a tree hidden in the gloom. The shadows enveloped me as I did my best to flatted myself against the trunk, the rough bark bit into the back of my head.

Running steps came to a halt close behind. All I wanted to do was bend over an heave in air. Instead I crushed my back harder into the tree. Not trusting myself, I placed one hand over my mouth, forcing myself to breathe through my nose. Silent tears burned tails down my hot skin. The chill night air made me shiver.

Closing my eyes I willed them to move on, to give up. Terror had my body stiffening into a board. Rape, torture, murder, or possibly sex slavery were just a few of the horrible things I could face if they found me. A small whimper escaped my lips and my tears came faster.

The men talked loudly in what sounded like Russian, or some other European language. I might not have been able to understand them but I imagined lots of cursing. The huffing and puffing that hindered their argument formed the only comfort. They didn’t sound like they could take much more either.

Several minutes passed before the men’s voices and steps faded back down the path, still angry and wound up. I waited another few minutes before peeking around the tree.

I peered around nervously until sure they were not going to come back. When I stepped back onto the path I headed in the opposite direction. Sweat soaked my shirt letting the cool night air chill me bone deep. Pulling my cardigan tighter around me I walked to find an exit.

The gravity of my situation hit me like a punch to the gut. No phone, no money, alone, and no address to give a cab driver. Arianna had lost her phone and all I knew about Matteo and Luca’s houses were, they lived in a wealthy neighborhood outside the city. Even Arianna’s parents had moved since I last saw them.

Panic ripped at me with sharp claws. I needed to get back. I had to make sure Arianna was ok. I had to make sure no one got the wrong idea about me being gone. What the hell am I going to do?

By the time I made it out of the park dread was ice in my veins. My brain hurt trying to think of where I should go. But I had nothing, I turned to walk on down the street, anxiety propelling me forward.

The Club! I’d go to Ecstasy.

I stubbled to a stop when I spotted a patrol car parked along the street. My entire body froze.

It would be so easy to run to the cops. I had never once considered going back on my word, but now, with possible freedom staring me in the face; the idea took root. I could just walk over and explain everything and never have to go back to the nightmare I’d fallen into. I can be free.

But at what cost?

Before I knew it, my feet were eating up the sidewalk.