Page 31 of Dare To Love Me


She was cute as hell all covered in flour. I wanted to drag her into the shower and take my time washing it off her. My mind went to naked skin in my hands, caressing every inch of her as she moaned for my touch. My dick hardened. I had to work to keep the glare on my face.

Damn. Keeping my hands off of her until she was willing was going to be agonizing torture.

Then I came back to reality. I was glad to see they had made up, but it didn’t take away from the fact she was out of control. I craved her lively side, but it would not be tolerated in this world. Mafia wives did not get in food fights with their friends and make a scene, especially with the house full of other employed men. We had all been able to hear them clear across the house.

I glanced at Matteo. “So how did that talk go the other night,” he asked in Italian, not hiding a shred of his aggravation.

After the wedding Arianna would be watched and scrutinized by people for her actions even more than she was now. Fair? Not in any way. Arianna was like Becka; mouthy and full of life. However, it was only Matteo and myself who got to see that side of her. And Becka’s fate was the same. My gut churned at the thought, but I swallowed down my guilt and prepared to do what I had to.

“It didn’t,” I finally answered. Becka’s eyes narrowed at me. “But it will,” I assured him.

Taking another gander at the destroyed kitchen I shot Becka a disapproving look. She lifted her chin and stared me down defiantly. Fuck you was scrolling across her eyes like a news reel.

I flushed hot. She openly challenged me, again. The balls on this chick. No one did that and went unpunished. It had been a long time since someone even had the guts to do so. Spunk was one thing, disrespect is another. My patience was running thin. I got hard thinking about how I would silence that rebellious streak. My preferred method would be to give her orgasms until she begged me to stop, then I’d keep going until she passed out from the high.

My smile was vicious. I was about to win this battle with four little words. I held up the file in my hand. “The papers are ready.” My feeling of victory bordered on diabolical as her face fell and her green eyes went wide.

“Go clean yourselves up, then we will meet in my office,” Matteo instructed and turned to leave. I followed, feeling my guts start to churn with nerves.

* * *

The papers laid out on Matteo’s desk. All signatures required had already been obtained. All except myself and Becka’s. It’s amazing how many rules you could bend and break with power and money.

Becka stared at the papers from the windowsill across the room. Her butt firmly rooted against it while her hands held a death grip on either side of her. She focused on the desk with such intensity I thought it might burst into flames.


I turned at the sound of my name. Matteo held out a pen.

Pulling in a steady breath, I stepped forward without hesitation. I wanted this. I wanted her. No matter how hardheaded she was and the trouble I was going to have getting her to behave in public, I wouldn’t have her any other way. She’s strong, beautiful and smart. And from what I could tell so far, true to her word. Loyal, to those she deemed important.

She’s my perfect match. No other woman made me feel alive the way she did. If she holds up her end of the deal, I would worship her, be faithful and give her anything she wanted. But she would have to submit to the rules first.

Leaning over the desk I signed my name without a second thought. My heart pounded in my chest and pulsed in my ears. Then I placed the pen on the table and stepped away.

I turned to Becka, Matteo and Arianna were watching her as well. Becka’s focus stayed on the papers. All the things going through her mind reflected in her eyes. Instead of a steady train of thought it looked like a destruction derby was going on in her head. Her expression stoic, but determined.

She stood on unsure legs and approached the desk slowly. My heart rate sped up.

“Do you remember everything my father told you?” Matteo asked.

“Yes.” Her voice came out barely a whisper. Her damp hair hung around her face as she studied the papers.

When the pen settled in her hand I held my breath. Becka’s hand started to shake. The rock in my chest that had only started beating again since meeting her, plummeted to my stomach. She’s changing her mind. Before I could dwell on what results that would bring, she crushed the pen to paper and signed. All the pent up air in my lungs escaped.

Her gaze swung around to lock eyes with mine. I fell into their deep pools of lush green. Her eyes that captivated me from the moment we met were glowing. There was warmth and a bit of optimism, but mostly uncertainty. I couldn’t blame her for that in the least. But the look she gave me led me to hope. I know better than to believe in something so fragile, but my stupid heart wasn’t listening to reason.

She’s so beautiful and, mine.

But there was still something that needed to be done. I steeled myself against her beauty that threatened to soften me. I was going to give it to her straight. Sugar-coated was not my style and she was too strong willed for anything else.

“Can we have the room?” I asked Matteo without breaking eye contact with Becka. Her chest heaved with nervousness.

Matteo nodded, placing his hand on Arianna’s back he ushered her from the room.