Page 2 of Dare To Love Me

I cleared my throat and continued. “I’m here to see Arianna.” My voice felt as small as a mouse as I stared up into three unblinking pairs of eyes.

None of them spoke. They just looked at me as if I somehow confused them. Like, how dare I come straight to the door. How dare I even speak. I was a bug and they were the shoe.

Then just when I thought they were going to literally turn into gruff granite statues, one of them stepped forward, and I willed my feet not to take a step back. Forced myself to meet his icy gaze head on and inclined my chin to prove that I wasn’t afraid.

In reality, I was shaking in by boots. The man was monstrous compared to me and his dark gray suit only added to his ominous presence. Three big hits of his fist to the top of my head and he could drill me into the sidewalk like a railroad spike. The thought made me want to scrunch my head between my shoulders. But I held firm. I refused to be intimidated by anyone.

Then his eyes moved down my body at a pace that spoke to the fact he didn’t care how obviously he was stripping me bare in his mind. Or if I was ok with it or not. It took every bit of control to not squirm under his leering, cover what cleavage I was showing, and pull down on the hem of my dress.

The moment dragged on of him getting his fill until I was just about to take the risk of slapping him right across the face. My hand itched to do it . What an asshole. But there was something else swirling behind his hazel eyes. Assessment. Like I was being graded on a test I didn’t even know was taking place. When his eyes reached mine again there was no telling if I had been a pass or fail. There wasn’t just lust but, curiosity.

Then without a word he nodded to the door in a gesture for me to follow, and like a total gentleman opened it for me, gently beckoning me inside.

Outside I had been able to hear the light thumps of the bass coming from the music, but as soon as the door opened I was hit with a physical blast of sound. It tingled my skin and my chest started to pound with the beat as I stepped over the threshold. My ears wanted to jump off the sides of my head and run back out the door.

After the bouncer stepped in behind me, he took the lead down the short entry way to the main part of the club. The wide two story space opened up before me. As I took a moment to look around, I could only imagine that it must be what clubs in Vegas looked like.

To the immediate left and right there were long bars that ran the whole length of the walls on either side. People clamored around each other to get a drink. In front of me was the main dance floor, packed to the gills with a sea of people grinding on each other as music blared from the speakers. Colored lights threw splashes and streaks across the cavernous space. It smelled like sweat, alcohol and strong perfume.

It was awesome. I loved dancing. My hips were already getting twitchy and worked up just from the few moments I stood there taking it all in.

I almost jumped out of my skin at the feel of a hand lightly gripping my arm I was so caught up in the scene. My oh-so-friendly bouncer started to lead me to the left. His expression didn’t softened at all, but his touch wasn’t rough. And even though he had stripped me naked with his eyes outside, there was nothing sexual about it, so I let him lead me to the end of the bar. On the way he made sure to clear a wide path for us, ensuring no one was even going to get close enough to brush up against me. Quite a feet for how packed the place was.

We walked to the end of the long bar and turned toward the back of the club where another bouncer stood guarding a roped-off section. After exchanging slight nods he opened the barrier for us and I found myself walking up an incline that elevated the VIP sections above the dance floor.

I was in awe as the line of VIP sections stretched out before me along the entire wall leading to the back of the club. A quick look across the way showed the other side was set up the same way.

According to Arianna this was only one of the many businesses that her fiancé owned. She had mentioned that her fiancé was very “well off”, but I knew that Arianna had a tendency to down play such things. Especially when it came to money.

Her parents were “well off”, and I had come to find out after my first visit in college, that it meant “rich”. That’s what I loved most about Arianna. Even though her parents were incredibly wealthy, how much money someone has or doesn’t have, has no bearing on her. She valued people for how they treat others, and how good of a friend you are.

As I followed my personal wall of muscle past the VIP booths it took everything in my power not to stare.

Easier said than done.

One table had a group of bachelorette-party girls doing their absolute best to get waisted as fast as humanly possible as they downed Vodka strait from the bottle. The smell of spilled liquor wafted from their area strong enough to knock me off my pace to keep up with my bouncer, who constantly checked to see that I was keeping up.

The next, I had to do a double take, then quickly avert my eyes as I’m pretty sure the couple were actually having sex in the dimly lit corner of their bench seat. When the man made eye contact with me as the girl ground down on him with her head thrown back, he winked and a slight grin tipped around gritted teeth. I quickly looked away.

Then I quickened my steps and pressed in closer to my escort so that I wouldn’t be tempted to take another look.

Booth after booth it was more of the same as people partied like tomorrow didn’t exist and there was no such thing as hangovers. Throwing money and credit cards around without a care in the world.

The waitresses serving the VIP sections wore black skimpy clothing and black heals to match. I couldn’t stop staring at the miscellaneous designs of florescent paint covering their skin as they glowed bright under the black lighting that illuminated the VIP spaces. Some looked like brush strokes, other speckled or running down as if spilled on. Some even had very intricate stencil designs. More than once I was tempted to reach out and touch them they were so beautifully done.

The club was so sexy and unique. Unlike anything I had seen before. I had never had the pleasure of coming to a club such as this one and my experience with bars didn’t extend past my home town, and the few places Arianna took me to while I’d come to visit a couple of times.

As we neared the end, a group of businessmen looking to make a show of their money reached out to pull me in. I pulled my arm away but it was the bouncer stepping between me and the man that had him scurrying away.

I’m pretty sure my bouncer actually growled at him. Literally growled. Then flashed a snarl that had the man blanching. I bit back a smile. He may have taken liberties with checking me out, but he took his job seriously.

After what seemed like forever we reached the end of the VIP and entered into a private back bar area for the overflow VIP. Above the bar the entire second story was enclosed with mirrored glass. My escort continued to lead me to a hallway at the end of the bar with a staircase leading to the second story. As I glanced down the hallway I noticed yet another door guarded by another bouncer.

I followed him up the metal stairs, where the usual clang of our feet would have echoed through a place like that, but the sound was swallowed up by the pounding music that only seemed to get louder.

My personal wall of muscle reached for a handle attached to one of the most solid looking doors I’d ever seen, then we stepped inside. The door closed behind us, shutting out every bit of sound from the club.