Page 96 of Dare To Love Me


Sunlight lit up the room with strong rays that reflected off the walls and pictures. I had slept in and it felt great.

When I stretched to chase away the lingering sleep, my usually tight back felt pleasantly relaxed. Becka’s massage wasn’t much more than a haze in the recount of the night before but I definitely felt the effects in the morning.

Warmth crept across my chest. No woman— other than the one that birthed me— had taken care of me like that. Having someone care for me wasn’t in the realm of things I thought I would want, let alone need, but I liked it. More than I would admit to anyone. Her concern and willingness to put her own needs aside for my welfare cracked the stones in my wall, sending pebbles raining down from the ramparts.

Duty. Becka.A battle stirred on the breeze.

I rolled away from my side of the bed reaching out to find cold sheets. Siting upright I found the room quiet and empty. A heavy sigh escaped me knowing this is what it had been like for her almost every morning. This sucks.

When I looked at my phone on the nightstand it said almost ten o’clock. Shit. No wonder Becka was up and I felt so recharged.

Jumping out of bed I showered and got ready for the day before heading downstairs to find Becka.

I found her in the kitchen sitting at the counter, one leg bent up to her chest, finishing a plate of something that smelled sweet. I headed straight for her, she turned to watch me approach with that smile that could make any man’s day. Gripping the back of her chair I spun her into me and took her mouth for a greedy kiss, tasting the syrup on her tongue. Her hum of approval tingled below my belt. When I pulled away her eyelids were fluttering. Something I would never get tired of seeing.

“Good morning,” I said with a satisfied grin, taking in her tiny shorts and tank top. No makeup and hair thrown up in a messy bun, she was still stunning. The front of my pants grew tight with arousal.

“Good morning. How did you sleep?”

“Great. Thanks to you.”

“My pleasure,” she beamed. “There are pancakes in the microwave if you are hungry.”

“I’m starving.” My stomach growled to prove it.

After retrieving my plate from the microwave I took a seat next to her at the island counter. I was only a few bites in when I noticed her shifting nervously in her seat while her fingers fiddled with the hem of her shirt. Her gaze landed on anything but me.

Ah, Hell.A bad feeling swirled in my gut.

Her throat cleared. Twice. “Luca,” she started timidly, “you know how I said there was something I needed to talk to you about?”

The apprehension in her voice had the pancakes turning to rocks in my stomach. “Yes.”

“I want… I want to go see my grandmother.” I stopped chewing and stared straight ahead. “I miss her so much. I need to see her. I can go while you are so busy.” The plea and hope in her words made me want to vomit.

My eyes fell shut, unable to look at her. Yep, this is bad. I swallowed hard trying not to choke on the bite of pancake. It was impossible. “No.” The tone in my delivery was harsh, only because I knew I couldn’t give her what she wanted and knew it would cause her pain. Her body went still beside me, anger brewing like the calm before a storm.

“Why not?” She asked slowly. “For the past week I have been sitting around waisting hours that I could be spending with her.”

“Because I don’t have time to take you.” The words sliced into me with red hot knives. I turned to find angry slits of green fire looking back at me.

“Why do you have to go with me? Why can’t one of your men go with me? I’m only asking for a day or two. I need to see her.”

Nostrils flaring I tried to stay calm. Because I said so. Being questioned or challenged was still something I would not stand for. “Because you are my responsibility and Lorenzo would never allow you to go with anyone else. And while we are on the subject, it could be years before you are able to travel by yourself.” The words dumped gasoline on the flames as her eyes widened in fury.

“Thats bullshit! I will not be made a prisoner forever. I’m asking for one day. After everything, I think I’ve earned that.”

She had earned it, which is why my stomach was twisting into knots. Nevertheless, nothing would change the fact that I couldn’t take her. My teeth ground together in frustration because it was about to get worse. “I don’t have time to take you. An important meeting is coming up. There are too many things going on for me to be able to leave right now. I probably won’t be able to take you for a couple of weeks. Maybe more.” I gave it to her straight and cutthroat.

Becka’s cheeks and chest flamed red. “That’s too long.” There was mutiny in her stone-cold voice. A challenge.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Becka.” If she tried to sneak away…

“So you think I’m stupid?” she seethed.

“I didn’t say that. But I’m warning you, don’t test me.”