Page 33 of Dare To Love Me

Trust?I almost laughed. My spark came back with a vengeance, driving me out of my dejected moment. If I’m supposed to play the good little wife, then I had a few demands of my own. This was not going to be a one way street.

My spine snapped straight, hands resting on my hips, then I speared him with a look. “Trust is earned not given, Luca. I have a few stipulations of my own.”

He raised an intrigued eyebrow. “Go on.”

“One, never lie to me. If I ask something and you cannot or will not give me the answer, then just say that straight out. Just don’t lie.” I hated liars.

“Two, never disrespect me for the soul purpose of beefing up your bravado. Especially if I have done nothing to deserve it. I promise you will not like the results.” I shot warning daggers into his face. His expression remained emotionless.

“And three, never cheat. If you want to go screw around with other women then kill me now.” His forehead furrowed with distaste when I used the words, kill me. “I cannot, and will not live with being humiliated.”

Luca studied me for long moments. I could see the gears grinding in his head. His sexy brown eyes held me prisoner as light bounced off his magnificent face. I began to feel myself being pulled back under his spell. My body purred with longing for his touch again. Keep it together.

Then he moved to step around me and headed for the door.

“Hey, where are you going?” Annoyance laced my voice.

“Pack you things. We’re leaving.”

“Where are we going?”

He paused in the doorway, looking back over his shoulder. “Home.” And then he was gone.

“What the hell?”

I stood frozen and utterly stupefied. He refused to answer me about my own demands. It was frustrating to no end. What should I expect from a man like him? Was that him rejecting my conditions? Is he even going to consider them?

Oh, the man may be all kinds of sexy, but he was infuriating.

I didn’t even get a ring, and wasn’t sure if I was madder that he failed to give me one, or that I cared as much as I did. Arg! Do I mean that little to him? That he didn’t want to publicly claim me, but just keep me as his dirty little secret.

My hands raked through my hair, wanting to pull it out by the roots. Luca was so confusing. One minute, he can’t stand being accused of wanting me as a slave. The next, he walks away like I’m not worthy of an answer. Maybe he just wants to keep me confused to maintain control? Prick.

Feeling like my blood would boil out my ears, I took a few calming breaths. I needed to calm down. Flying into a rage would not help. I had to focus on what was happening next.

Home. I’d been caught off guard by the level of affection in his voice. Not, my house, or my place but,… home; with warmth and longing. It didn’t fit into the person who just left me standing there without consideration.

This wasn’t the first time I’d seen or felt things from Luca that were contradictory to the gangster I assumed he was. It peaked my curiosity. I wanted to see more of it. Hoped to see more of it. And to know what drove it.

I stomped back to my room to pack, threw on some makeup and brushed my unruly hair. It was no surprise when the same young man from earlier was standing outside— he had also followed me up.

“Whats your name?” If he was going to be looming over me all the time, I might as well know.

“James.” His voice matched perfectly with his unyielding face and didn’t elaborate if it was a first or last name.

James relieved me of my travel bag, but when he reached for my violin I crushed it to my chest, nearly hissing like a cat. He let me be and led the way down the hall. My legs grew shakier with every step.