Page 22 of Dare To Love Me

“After what I saw tonight I don’t think easy is going to cut it. She’s stubborn. You know what is on the line. For everyone.”

Arianna ducked her head. “I understand.” Her voice was a whisper. “And Luca, I know she belongs to you now but, she’s my friend, so please…” she stammered.

“She needs to learn her place. What it means to belong to this world. And me.”

“Just try to remember what I said about her not being made of steel.” I have my doubts about that. She held out a small, black silk nightgown. “I was going to take this to her. Can you do it for me?”

When the silk touched my palm my thoughts went to Becka wearing it. Her sexy tan skin in contrast to the black material. Then me, slowly removing it to display her gorgeous body that was now mine. What color would her nipples be? What noise would she make when I sucked them into my mouth? Blood ran south so fast I got light headed. I wanted her so bad it was stifling. Was it normal to want someone like this?

“Night, Luca,” Arianna said over her shoulder as she headed back down the hall.

“Night, Arianna.”

When I reached the door the guard standing watch unlocked it and held it open for me. Stiffening my spine, I waited for the angry shrill of a woman demanding to know what I was doing in her room. I prepared for a fight.

There was only silence.

The room stood empty. Then I heard the shower running. I powered across the room, stepping over the strung out clothes littering the floor, catching sight of a tiny piece of lace as I went. I forced my gaze not to linger on it. I approached the bathroom door, ready to bust in and show Becka that she no longer had a say in anything, including her own privacy. The lessons start now.

Matteo’s words came back to me. Lock her down, or we are all fucked. It gave me motivation. No matter what Arianna said, Becka was not weak. She was mine now. She needed to understand that. Needed to know I have complete control. The sooner she could come to terms with that, the better off everyone would be.

Strangled sounds had me stopping short of the door. Crying, and not the soft kind either. I inched closer and peaked through the crack in the door.

The mirror over the sink gave me a perfect reflection of the shower.

Becka sat on the floor of the shower, knees pulled into her chest, her head leaning against the glass as she cried uncontrollably. Loud sobs filled the oversized bathroom, mingled with her hiccuping every time she tried to take a breath. She held nothing back.

My head fell to my chest as I leaned back against the wall outside the bathroom. Something inside my chest jarred loose. The rock wall I’d built against mercy and sympathy cracked, running to the things I had long put behind me.

In my life, it did no good to let feelings get in the way of what needed to be done. It was never an issue. But listening to Becka cry bitterly in the shower rocked me to my core. I didn’t see her any less of a brave woman than earlier. If anything, to see how hard she must have fought to keep all that emotion at bay showed me she was even stronger than I took her for.

I felt connected to her in a way that scared me. She didn’t want anyone to see her weak or vulnerable. She reminded me of… me. Since I was young, I locked everything away. If it didn’t exude strength, I didn’t show it, refused to give it life. But inside I hid so many things. Things I didn’t even tell Matteo. About the life I dreamed of, the girl I dreamed of. A girl like Becka. Now I was the animal helping to ruin her life. And some sick part of me didn’t care. I wanted her.

She deserves better than you. Better than this. I ground my jaw together hard enough to crack my molars. There was no going back for either of us. This is our reality. For her it was this life or death. And for me, I’d made my choice twenty years ago when I began my journey with the Russo family. This was my life and wasn’t the least bit sorry about it.

So stop fucking entertaining stupid fantasies and do your job. I hesitated.

Everything was messing with my head. Go in there and just do it! But I couldn’t. Not while she was like that. I couldn’t take her crying. This chick is making me soft. Now I was pissed. My nostrils flared.

Her sobs began to soften, I could hear her physically trying to bring her breathing under control. Willing herself to calm. A huge sigh rushed out of me. There she was again, pulling herself together to face what she couldn’t change. She had every right to cry until she passed out from exhaustion, but refused to let the night have the final word. It would end on her terms.

I shook my head. God, she is amazing.

But it didn’t change anything. Becka was going to have to learn and I was going to have to teach her about this life. It was up to her if it was going to be the easy way or the hard way. And I was more than happy to oblige Becka on either counts.

Then I got a mental picture of having her naked on the bed while I spanked her sweet round ass, then nipped at her reddened cheeks until she was begging me not to stop. I huffed out a breath when the shower turned off. I was halfway hard already and only getting harder the more I thought of her being naked behind the door.

Dammit. I was in no state of mind to talk to Becka now. Stuck halfway between raging at myself and full of simmering lust ready to boil over. My head wasn’t in the right place— either of them. I needed to walk away.

Stalking to the bed I laid the silk pajamas down and left quietly. A cold shower and my right hand both looked to be in my immediate future.