Page 21 of Dare To Love Me

A heavy hand landed on my shoulder. “We need to talk.” Matteo wasn’t asking. He may be my best friend, more like brother, but Matteo is still my superior.

We headed for his home office while Arianna disappeared to their room.

He seated himself behind his modern style desk covered in high grade tech and papers pilled everywhere. I took the chair across from him.

We’d spent so much time together in that room it felt like a second home.

We stared at each other. Talking was almost unnecessary, the two of us were so close we usually knew what the other was thinking. Sometimes we could have a whole conversation without saying a word.

“You need to lock her down,” Matteo stated. “Arianna may trust her, but I don’t. Especially not with Arianna’s life, or ours. Not yet anyway. She will have to earn it.” He hit me with a pointed look. “She is strong willed and a fighter. You need to lay down the law so she knows her place. Becka needs to understand without a doubt who is in charge. Or we are all fucked. You need to control her.”

“I know what I need to do,” I growled. I didn’t need to be told what my duty was as a husband in the mafia, or how keeping my future wife in line was expected of me. I knew what was at stake.

His face softened. “Thank you by the way.”

“For what?”

“Becka’s death would have ruined Arianna. I’m not sure she, or we could have recovered from it. And you know I hate spilling innocent blood. I’m not my father.” His brow furrowed. “What made you suggest marrying her?”

I chose my words carefully, not wanting to divulge too much truth. “Because the thought of an innocent life going to waste doesn’t settle with me either. And I didn’t want it to ruin things for you and Arianna. I don’t know if she would have forgiven you, even if you didn’t pull the trigger. I didn’t want that for your future.”

And the memory of Becka’s death would have haunted me for the rest of my life.

He studied me. “Is that all of it?”

“What do you mean?” I faked ignorance. I wasn’t about to admit having strong feelings for a woman I just met, and willingly put all of our lives on the line just so I could have her for my own.

“I’ve been watching you all night and know you have feelings for that girl that goes beyond wanting to own her. You nearly lost it in my dad’s office. You don’t loose control. Ever.” He sighed. “I know you too well my friend. Just don’t let your dick get us all fucking killed. Handle your shit.”

I stood to leave, done being lectured to.

“Where are you going?” he asked my back.

“To handle my shit,” I answered coldly. Now was as good of time as any. The sooner everything was laid on the table, the better.

I was almost out the door. “There is one more thing that needs to be taken care of,” Matteo called.

I didn’t need reminding. “I’ll take care of it in the morning.” And I will take great pleasure in it.

I strode though the elegant house and up the stairs, making my way to Becka’s room, mentally preparing myself.

I was about to bring another hammer down on Becka. It has to be done. Women in the mafia were expected to act and, not act a certain way. They were to be seen not heard. They were to follow orders without question and never disrespect their husband, such as pulling away, especially in public. A man who could not control his woman was viewed as weak. And weakness always became a target.

In my position, as Captain, there was always someone looking to take my place. If Lorenzo died, or stepped down, Matteo would take over and I would be the Underboss. Until Matteo’s sons were old enough to take over.

On top of that there was the current situation, that if Becka didn’t walk the line, she would put Arianna, Matteo and myself at risk. I was going to have to come down on her hard. She was going to know that she belonged to me and this life. No matter how strong she is, I needed to break her will. I hated how that pained me. And confused me that I cared so much.

In fact, this whole dammed night of feeling too much had been aggravatingly confusing.

“Luca.” A timid voice called from behind me.

I stopped as Arianna approached. “Yes.”

“Where are you going?”

“To lay down the law.”

She winced. “I know Becka seems tough, but she isn’t made of steel. She’s just really good at hiding how much she’s feeling. Please go easy on her.”