Page 151 of Dare To Love Me


Ears ringing, head swimming I lifted my upper body off the floor just in time for another explosion to knock me back down. When I tried again my vision cleared— as much as the smoke would allow— to see two black clad figures swirling in the distance. The sound of fire crackling filtered through the ringing as smoke climbed to the ceiling all around the building. Gun fire rang out from all directions.

Pushing to an awkward sitting position I locked eyes on the struggle happening between the stacks of crates to my left. Luca and Petrov were engaged in a deadly battle. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of Luca turning into a raging animal out for blood.


I knew I should but fear and shock held me in place. Watching Luca reminded me of watching a rabid beast. He roared and cried out with an aggression that cooled my blood. His face contorted in a way I’d never seen. He was scary. Down right terrifying. And worse, he looked to be thriving on it. Even the night I saw him covered in blood standing over a carved up human was nothing compared the sight of him now.

Gun shots, screams and the raging inferno drew my attention to the far side of the space. The other Russian soldiers had disappeared, leaving me alone on the floor. No doubt to deal with the threat.

A figure appeared out of a path that was close to being overrun by flames. I stumbled to my feet, the task difficult with my hands still tied behind my back. My gazed skipped to Luca, but he was still occupied fighting Petrov.

Holding my breath I shook as the figure got closer. I had no idea who it would be but there was nowhere to run. When Matteo’s face appeared my tight shoulders slumped in relief. He ran to me, no longer dressed in his tux but rather, black military fatigues, carrying a large gun in his hands, more strapped to his body. He looked deadly.

“Are you ok?” He quickly drew a knife and cut my bonds.

“Yes. I… I think so,” I said shakily. No! I am far from it!

“Where is Luca?”

I pointed to the aisle Luca and Petrov had been but they were no longer fighting. My eyes bulged to see Luca dragging the limp, mostly unconscious body of Petrov behind him. It was all too similar to watching a lion drag his prey away to devour. His predator eyes filled with hungry satisfaction.

Small explosions began popping off all around us. The fire was growing intense while the chemical smell stung my eyes and made me want to cough. We had to get the hell out.

Luca’s body vibrated as he dumped his catch on the floor at Matteo’s feet. His chest heaved with air, staring down at Petrov with rage.

I didn’t move. Didn’t hardly breathe. Luca appeared like he’d taken a beating from a giant. He stood bloody and battered. Matteo seemed unaffected by his state but I continued shaking with uncertainty. Luca looked wild and rabid. Hungry for more violence. Like small prey, I felt the instinct to run. My heart hammered against my ribs painfully. If I moved I had no doubt he would pounce, uncertain what the outcome would be.

Two wicked looking knives appeared in Matteo’s hands. He handed one to Luca, who hauled Petrov up to a kneeling position. “For my family. For our honor.” There was no hesitation as Matteo plunged his blade straight into Petrov’s neck while Luca drove his into Petrov’s back. Repeatedly.

I jumped away and screamed at the carnage. My hands flew to my face as blood sprayed and poured from Petrov’s neck. Victor’s eyes glazed over, rolling into the back of his head. The sides of my vision blurred and my stomach churned. Too much! I was a strong woman but even I had limits. My entire body shook, panicked breaths half filled with smoke entered my lungs. Oddly enough I was too scared to puke. I stood frozen, staring at the blood pooling on the floor.

When I looked up Luca was watching me. Flames had taken over most of the building, more smoke filled in around us. When he saw how terrified I was the flames in his eyes ebbed just a bit, but he still looked scary as hell.

His gaze skipped around the room as if finally noticing how deep of shit we could be in. Quickly tucking the knife in the back of his waistband he reached for me. I was still in too much shock to avoid his grip on my wrist, but when his hand encompassed me like a shackle I nearly jumped out of my skin. My reaction surprised him and he stared at me with an angry intensity. Almost as if he couldn’t understand why I was reacting in such a way. His gaze ran up and down my shivering body. When his mouth pinched I knew he came to the realization it was him that was scaring me. He loosened his hold but didn’t let go. His eyes softened just a touch but it still wasn’t my Luca staring back at me.

“Did the Irish come through?” he asked, turning to Matteo.

“Yes. They sent two dozen men and ensured the authorities would be delayed. We made quick work of the Russians. Almost sad it’s over so quickly. No one to torture.” Matteo got a wicked gleam in his eye.

“We have to move,” Luca stated.

“Luca, wait.” Matteo gripped his bicep. I curled away feeling Luca’s body tense like he was ready to fight. Matteo failed to notice, or didn’t care.

“What?” Luca growled back.

“Luca, this is it. We can use this.” They stared at each other for a long beat.

Matteo’s tone held a meaning I couldn’t for the life of me understand. And what did it matter? We were about to burn to death! We needed to get out. The heat was growing too intense, the smoke causing all of us to cough a bit.

“This is what?” I wailed, not caring how I sounded. “We have to go!” For the first time I reached out for Luca’s arm. “PLEASE!” I gasped when Luca’s eyes locked with mine. It’s the first time he really looked at me since arriving.

He cupped my face in his hands and my shoulders curled inward, still unsure. Something moved in those beastly eyes and all I could do was hang on for dear life. It felt like he was seeing me for the first time and the strength in that stare slayed me.

“Do you trust me?” he rasped.

It was an easy enough question. Of course I did, but what I’d just witnessed twisted my mind into knots, paralyzing my tongue. When his brown eyes splintered and softened I could see him. Deep inside, trying to get out. “Yes, I trust you,” I said, the whisper almost lost to the raging fire.