Page 140 of Dare To Love Me


The grand room in Matteo and Arianna’s house buzzed with party guests, all dressed in lavish attire. Open bars capped each end of the room, a dance floor dominated the center and tables covered in catered food kept the crowd’s hands and mouths busy.

The guest list remained similar to their wedding and some persons from the party at Ecstasy— scaled down to less then half. Married men of the Mob and their wives kept to their tight circles, while politicians and family friends mingled like flies.

My eyes swept the room. I had eight security guards in the room alone, ten throughout the rest of the house and another dozen roaming the grounds outside. A few more were even playing pretend at being guest just to cover our bases. And still I didn’t feel like it was enough. Another man had been taken out and we still hadn’t uncovered the rat.

In a week’s time we were able to rule out most of our own men as suspects but there were dozens of people we did business with that needed to be investigated. There was a tension every man carried in their shoulders, and would remain there until the rat was caught.

It’s the reason I hadn’t touched any alcohol. One drink wouldn’t hurt, but knowing all hell could break loose at any moment kept me from indulging. No matter how good it sounded. One drink could easily turn into two, then three, and so on as the liquid relaxed my nerves and consequently dulled my senses.

“I hate your wife.”

I spun to find Arianna with Matteo’s arm wrapped around her waist. Matteo wore a tux— same as me— and Arianna wore a scarlet red dress that draped dangerously low. Her near black hair and golden eyes were styled to perfection. I never argued with the fact that Arianna was an incredibly beautiful woman, but knowing from the start how much Matteo loved her had me feeling nothing more than happiness for my friend to be with her.

Besides, I had an angel of my own.

“You look stunning,” I said leaning in to kiss her cheek. “And why is it you hate my wife?”

She didn’t answer, throwing me that impish grin she’d perfected years ago and inclined her head towards the far entryway.

When I turned to see Becka standing there my hand flew to my chest, trying to calm the physical ache of not being able to breathe.

I felt Arianna lean in close. “That’s why.”

My feet failed to move while Becka slowly sauntered her way through the crowd, giving me ample time to take in every inch of her. The dress was the color of dark rain clouds, drawing out the green in her eyes and chocolate in her hair. A shy, little smirk played on her lips. The shinning silk caught the light with every movement, the tiny scraps of material atop her shoulders holding it up looked delicate and feminine. The neckline V-ed down to below her breasts, but it wasn't bare skin showing. A sheer material covered the space between her breast with rhinestones appearing like falling snow to pool where the V came together.

I’m pretty sure my heart stopped altogether. When our gazes met I could see her breath hitch. No doubt she had seen the desire raging in my eyes. She walked with total confidence, concentrating only on me. Then she stopped a few feet shy of reaching me and spun in a slow circle.

My knees went weak when I got a look at the back, which was basically non-existent. The same sheer material stretched all the way from her shoulders to just above the crack of her butt, dramatically matching the fronts V shape. More rhinestones fluttered down from her shoulder blades to pool at the bottom.

When she finished turning her face beamed with satisfaction. Her green eyes took hold of me and refused to let go. Then Becka stepped forward, tipping her chin so our faces were inches apart.

“Do you like it?” Her voice was husky and knowing.

“I ah…,” suddenly I forgot how to speak English. Swallowing hard I cleared my throat. “You look amazing.” Her answering smile was radiant.

“Right back at you.” Her hands brushed my forearms moving up to my shoulders. My hands slid around her waist pulling her body flush with mine.

I had to talk my erection down with a stern voice while pressing my lips to hers for a firm kiss. Becka leaned in, giving herself over to me completely. Love. Trust. Loyalty. How did I ever get so lucky to have a woman like her belong to me?

And I belong to her.

I poured all my love, passion and devotion into the kiss hoping she could read my meaning. She melted, blessing my ears with a small moan. By the time I let her come up for air Becka’s eyelids fluttered like butterfly wings.

“I’m glad you like the dress. It’s your surprise.”

“I love the dress. I can’t wait to see it on our floor later.” She pursed her lips in a suppressed laugh and shook her head. I chuckled, feeling light as air.

The music had been light all night but now a new love song started, making everyone feel the need to test out the dance floor. I could already see Matteo and Arianna at the center.

“Oh, I love this song.” Becka pressed a hand over her heart. “It’s Ed Shereen’s, ‘Thinking Out Loud’.”

“Do you want to dance?”

Her head swung around in shock.

“Try not to look so surprised at me asking. You will give me a complex. Do you want to dance, Becka?”