Page 134 of Dare To Love Me


As people filed out of the church I stood at Matteo’s side shaking hands with business associates— legal and otherwise— as everyone offered their condolences. The differences between Lorenzo and Becka’s grandmother’s funeral were night and day. At least everyone that showed up for Clair’s graveside had actually cared for the woman. Most of the guests attending today were playing at being upset.

Not much caring for the bullshit everyone kept slinging Matteo’s way I put more of my attention on constantly marking the two dozen soldiers stationed around the church and parking lot. We were not taking any chances. Though Petrov had gone underground the funeral would be a perfect opportunity to show up and make a mess. Even with all the news outlets here to document the moment like a bunch of vultures, I still wouldn’t have put it past Petrov.

On the outside I stayed calm but inside I felt twitchy and unsettled. Not wanting to let my guard down with so much exposure. A specific voice drew my attention to the front.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” It was the Irish Don. Matteo shook the man’s hand.

“Thank you,” Matteo replied without expression for the thousandth time.

“I have to commend you on how smoothly things have been running so far, especially after the death of your father. I look forward to continue doing business with you. And just so you know I have a lot of people with their ears to the ground looking for the bastard responsible. We’ll get him.”

“Yes, we will. Thank you for coming,” Matteo replied.

O’Connell moved to shake my hand. I took it in a firm grip. “A good leader needs good men behind him. Matteo is lucky to have someone so loyal. No hard feelings about before?”

Inwardly I winced at his complement, recalling a certain phone call I made that was anything but loyal. I squeezed his hand a bit tighter at another recollection. “You called my wife a slut.”

O’Connell didn’t attempt to pull away but instead looked over his shoulder to where Becka and Arianna were talking, Steven hovered close by. We all watched as Becka threw her head back laughing at something Arianna was scolding her about. Then the irishman turned back to me.

“Yes, my apologies. I was quite upset at the time. Once I got the full story I realized that was not the case. She is a rare beauty. If she were mine I would have reacted the same way.”

Satisfied with his apology I let go.

“And I’m not even going to ask what the other guy looks like.” He gestured to my bruises. Matteo chuckled beside me. “I will definitely think twice before challenging you with a fight again.”

My smile was big when I met Thomas’ scowl as he stood behind O’Connell. He puffed for a moment before moving to follow his boss down the steps.

Matteo huffed. I looked around to see most of the guests had gone, giving us both a moment to breathe. “You doing ok?”

Matteo shoved his hands into his pockets. “Fine. Just tired of everyone kissing my ass, thinking it’s going to somehow help them in the long run. Right now, all I want to do is go home, get Arianna naked and not come out of our room for three days.”

“I know the feeling. Things have been on overdrive for weeks now. Hard to imagine going back to normal. Whatever that is. This level of craziness takes everything out of you.”

“Hence the wanting to lay in bed and do nothing but make love to my wife for days.”

I laughed. Matteo wouldn’t dare admit exhaustion to just anyone. Leaders were not supposed to get tired and need a break. And showing it was just undone.

Suddenly I felt eyes on me and turned to find Becka staring at me from the bottom of the steps with the biggest smile on her face. I resisted the urge to reach up and rub a hand over my chest when my heart spasmed at the sight.

I smiled and winked back, thinking about the night before when her legs were wrapped around me, crying out my name as I made her come multiple times. She said, I love you more times than I could count and not once did it fail to have an effect.

“I’m glad to see you pulled your head out of your ass.” Matteo grinned.

“Am I supposed to thank you for hitting me?”

“A thank you would be nice, yes.”

I barked out in laughter and Matteo joined in. It was good to hear him laugh. When we turned again the girls were headed our way.

“What are you two laughing about?” Becka asked as she eyed us both. Instead of answering I swung her into my arms and took her mouth for a hot kiss.

“Luca!” she squeaked. God, she tasted good. Becka tried to squirm away. “We are on the steps of a church.”

“They don’t seem to mind.” I nodded toward where Matteo had pulled Arianna behind a pillar, sticking his tongue down her throat and getting a handful of ass.

“Get a room you two!” Becca called.