Page 133 of Dare To Love Me

“Is it always like this,” I asked Arianna. When she didn’t respond I turned to see her face running over with sympathy. “I mean, Luca and I have never even gone out for dinner or a movie. Not a single date, or outing. I still want those things. How do you deal with it?”

“Oh, Becka. No, things are not always this bad. This is one of the craziest times that I can remember. It won’t always be like this.”

“I just want… I don’t know.”

“A real relationship?”

“I don’t mean it like that.”

“I know exactly what you mean. Even if our relationships are not with normal men, we ourselves still want to be normal. To feel like we still belong to the world we gave up for the men we love. And to feel like more than an object that sits on their mantle until they have the time to polish us.”

I sighed in exasperation. “That’s closer to explaining it than I could have.” Arianna stepped in close and rubbed my arms soothingly. “What would I do without you?” I asked.

“Same to you girly,” she said with a warm smile. “And just to warn you, about the whole one day going on dates with Luca thing, you are definitely going to have to take the lead on that one.”


Arianna pinched her lips together looking like she didn’t quite know how to continue. “Well… for as many girls Luca has been with…”

I sneered at the thought.

“Um, Luca has never actually been on a date. Like, ever. I’m not even sure he knows what happens on a date.”

I stood quiet while I processed. Then I couldn’t help the smile spreading across my face. Then laughter boomed out of me without warning. “Luca? My Luca, who could have dated any woman he wanted has never been on a date?” It made sense and sounded utterly ridiculous all at the same time. To think that someone like me would have more dating knowledge than Luca was just too comical not to laugh about.

“Keep your voice down,” she reprimanded, pointing a finger in my face. “You cannot tell him I told you. Luca would kill me and then Matteo would kill me.”

“I’m sorry,” I laughed, “I promise I won’t say anything.”
