Page 132 of Dare To Love Me


Standing outside the church watching all the limos and luxury cars pull away I couldn’t help but wrinkle my nose in distaste. As expected the funeral had been grand and ostentatious. People packed in like rats to be present at Lorenzo’s funeral, most just to show face and pretend they somehow had a connection with the late mob Boss.

Everyone pretended to be upset— maybe a few genuinely were— with women wailing and crying. When the speeches started they were all about what a good man Lorenzo was; honorable, loyal and supportive to the community. It made me want to vomit. Though the legal side of the Family’s businesses had been incredibly generous to charities and foundations throughout the city, it was just a way to get people to turn a blind eye. The whole thing made me want to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

“Was that Matteo’s mom sitting with you and Matteo?” I could see the resemblance in their mouth and eyes.

Arianna waved and smiled at someone pulling away before answering. “Yes. Sorry you didn’t get to meet her. She’s out of practice of being social.”

“It’s ok. I was just wondering why no one ever talks about her.”

She sighed. “Matteo had an older brother. No one is allowed to talk about him but he died years ago, when Matteo was still young. Lorenzo wanted more children but Maria couldn’t have any. They were an arranged marriage, much of the business in Vegas is thanks to that marriage. When she couldn’t have anymore children he cast her aside, and refused to have illegitimate children knowing they would never generate the same level of respect or statice. Maria was his possession, even if he could have divorced her, he wouldn’t have. So he sent her away with a regular allowance and guarded at all times.”

I stared at her with my mouth agape. “He basically kept her prisoner. What did Matteo have to say about it?”

“Of course he hated it. But there was no love lost between Maria and Lorenzo. She told Matteo that even though she was lonely she was happy as long as she didn’t have to be with Lorenzo. He accepted it. They don’t talk or see each other very much, but I know he loves her. And when all this craziness is over maybe they can be close again, but for now he just wants to be sure she is safe.”

“How Matteo ever came from Lorenzo’s loins I will never understand.”

“Shh,” Arianna hissed suppressing a laugh, “someone will hear you. And make no mistake, Matteo is not perfect.”

I scoffed. I wasn’t naive enough to think Matteo was a saint by any means and couldn’t care less what people thought of me. This was the second funeral I’d attended in the last week; the first one pained me deeply, this one, I would have rather stayed home scraping a cheese grader against my forehead.

“How is Matteo? His speech seemed heartfelt, but he never shows emotion.”

Arianna shrugged. “That’s just who he is, always has been. The only time he lets go is when we are alone. But he is doing ok. Lorenzo was his father after all. I know in some ways he loved him and had a lot of respect for him. Matteo’s whole life since his brother died has been about grooming to take over. They didn’t have what you would call a loving relationship. You know what I mean?”

“I get it.”

“How’s Luca? I liked his speech. I know that Lorenzo meant a lot to him.”

I was tempted to throw a few tidbits of information her way to show just how much Luca’s opinion had changed but held back. I knew Luca did feel a loss and the information was not mine to give. “He’s doing ok.”

“And how are the two of you? Matteo told me about their conversation. And you can't miss the bruises.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “We worked thinks out.”

“Oh, I bet you did. Let me guess, five, six times? I want details.” Her eyebrows waggled.

Shaking my head I respond with an apology instead. “I’m really sorry he talked to you like that.”

She waved a dismissing hand. “He apologized yesterday before he left. I knew he didn’t really mean it. I’m just glad you were able to make up.”

“Me too,” I said with a big smile, remembering how we did more than simply make up. We confessed our love for one another and spent the next few hours wrapped up in each other until we passed out from exhaustion. I wanted to tell Arianna but it was not the time or place.

“Are you blushing?”

“No.” My cheeks did feel hot.

“Yes, you are. You are thinking about sex.” Arianna beamed with amusement.

“Ok, fine. I’m thinking about sex.”

Her answering smile overflowed with satisfaction. I rolled my eyes and looked for Luca.

When I spotted him my heart did a flip-flop the same way it always did. That gorgeous man standing across the way at the top of the steps couldn’t possibly be mine? But he was. My stomach clenched as visions of the night before flooded my mind. His weight pressing down on me, his lips worshiping my body, giving me pleasure until I could have spontaneously combusted. All while repeating I love you, over and over again.

Then my shoulders fell knowing that there was still an obscene mess to deal with and Luca would be back to running around like a chicken with its head cut off.