Page 13 of Dare To Love Me


The alcohol had taken over. My balance was almost completely gone, and for the life of me couldn’t stop laughing at Arianna trying to twerk while drunk.

I couldn’t remember the last time I drank this much in one night. A vision of the morning to come had me grimacing. Oh, I was not looking forward to that. A splitting headache and the feeling of an alien creature trying to tear its way out of my stomach. And the vomiting. Ugg.

I flopped down on the couch hard enough to make me bounce, my hair flying around my shoulders. It was so late— or early— and after an excruciating long day I was running on empty.

Arianna plopped down beside me.

“Girl, I think I’m done,” I confessed as the room spun and the flashing lights made me squint.

“Oh, God. Me too.” She sounded as tired as I was. “I’ll text my driver and have him take us home. He can come back for Matteo.”

“Where did they go?”

“I don’t know, something to do with business.” She shrugged, pulling the phone up to her face, trying hard to text while listing to the side.

A frown dipped my lips. I was hoping to see Luca again. Yet, maybe it was a good thing I wouldn’t see him again? I was completely waisted, sweaty, and my ability to hold any sort of intelligent conversation had been drained three drinks ago.

Not to mention I was still berating myself for letting all my resolve fly out the window when I asked Luca to dance with me.

Dancing was one thing, I’ve danced with plenty of guys, but with this foreign thing between us it felt like teasing. Shameful teasing. Mostly for myself.

I wasn’t going to sleep with him. That’s what I had said. However, there I was rubbing against him like a cat, purring and all. Then when he ground his erection against me I opened to him like a dog in standing heat.

It was the alcohol.Yeah, I blamed it on the alcohol. Still…

My head fell back against the cushion. I closed my eyes and remembered the million butterflies that took flight the moment he touched me. The heat of him pressed against my back, his spicy cologne invading my nose. My mind had gone catatonic trying to choose between rubbing my thighs together to get friction, or spreading them further. The heat between my thighs had turned slick and heavy as my body responded to how hot he was getting me.


“The driver said to meet him out back. Apparently, the street out front is blocked with traffic. Something about a tweaker going crazy in the middle of the road and the police have everyone stopped. Traffic is all blocked up. We will have to go through the warehouse.” It sounded like Arianna was having to work to get the words out.

“I don’t care if I have to go up on the roof and shimmy down the drain pipe. Whatever gets me to my bed faster.” I was barely able to lift my head.

“Come on let’s go.”

We both stood on unsteady legs, linked arms and set off for the back of the club. The bouncer who remained after Mark left cleared the way for us.

We almost made it to the hallway when a fight broke out on the dance floor. It seemed like it was getting late for everyone. Too many sleep-deprived drunk people in a compacted area, tempers were getting short.

Things escalated quickly. Bouncers appeared from everywhere but it wasn’t helping. It was a mosh-pit of angry bouncers and drunks. Women screamed and scrambled away, men roared in anger.

Our bouncer turned to us. “Head for the door, but stay outside with the guard until I get there. Understand?” Before we could answer he took off into the chaos.

We could hear the fight dying down as we made our way down the empty hallway. With pillows and beds calling our name we completely forgot the bouncer’s instruction to wait outside the door, that was ungarded. The same one that had been guarded earlier.

Arianna reached for the door handle, completely missing it on the first try. We started laughing so hard my stomach cramped up. She got it on the second try and we both practically fell through the door as our weight heaved it open.

We stumbled straight into Hell.

* * *

I opened my eyes and looked through blurry vision, my laugh died instantly in my throat. I froze like a deer in headlights, my heart leaping into my mouth. All air rushed from my lungs. I yanked Arianna to a stop.

I went from drunk to sober in a milia-second. OH MY GOD!

All the men had their suit jackets off, the guns hanging at their sides exposed. Their sleeves were rolled up to the elbows and covered in blood. Their hands were dripping blood and spatters marred their perfect clothing.