Page 78 of Silent Noise

I pitied him, but right now we needed to keep our shit together, focus on the bigger picture. He slumped back against the wall, knees propped up and his hands covering his ears. I shared a look of concern with Mathew as I turned and took a seat beside my brother.

It was quiet for quite some time before Mathew finally broke the silence, “so, this plan of yours?” he asked, cocking a brow at me.

I took a deep breath to speak but was cut off by Lily’s voice ripping through the hall.

“Is there someone out there? Please help me,” she screamed.

All the blood drained from my face and Mathew jumped up in an instant, looking wild. I steadied myself against the wall as I stood, claws and canines already out. No. Please, not this. Fur began spurting down my neck and back.

“Please help me! Come get me!” she screamed. Her anguish pierced through my entire being, coating my insides with dread. My heart broke at the pitiful sound. Was it really her calling out for help? Or was it the Crawler playing tricks on us?

Mathew’s eyes slid to me, conflicted as I felt. And right there, in that moment, I saw exactly who and what he was; why he’d come here. Their friendship was strange and foreign to me, but at least I knew for sure that he was on our side. That he truly cared for Lily.