Page 59 of Silent Noise



Raiden’s meeting should have ended hours ago and yet, still no word from him. Maybe the meeting didn’t go as well as planned? Or maybe it was finished but he got caught up in other pack business? He was the Alpha, after all, and everyone competed for his undivided attention. He’d also been away from his pack for more than two weeks, which must have had his workload piling up significantly. Growing up in an Alpha’s household myself, I knew how little spare time they had and realised how patient I had to be. He wasn’t choosing not to spend time with me, he simply had too much to do.

Whatever the reason may have been, it didn’t erase the fact that my nerves were eating away at me. Did the pack respect his decision? Would they be willing to accept me as their Luna instead of Tanya? I couldn’t sit still any longer. The silence was killing me, and I needed a distraction.

I scanned Raiden’s room, for what felt like the hundredth time. I’d already gone through his books and all the pictures on the shelves, but-my eyes lingered on his desk. More specifically on the cream-colored telephone with the extra-long coiled cord. I bit my lip, moving closer. Beside it lay a large leatherbound book which read; Berthrona Pack Directory. A smile instantly tugged at my lips, brightening my face. It was a Wednesday, perfect.

The phone only rang two times.

“Alpha Mathew,” a disinterested, bored voice answered from the other end of the line.

“Mat, hi,” I almost squealed at the familiarity of his voice, “it’s Lily.”

“Pudding?” He asked, amusement dancing in his tone. “What a pleasant surprise, how've you been? Need me to come and rescue you again?”

I could almost hear his smile through the phone, already picturing the playful grin on his face. “I’m doing fine, thank you, no rescues needed at the moment. There?"

“Great, great. Back to business as usual,” he said with a huff, followed by some papers moving around in the background.

“Stuck in the office again, huh?”

Mat exhaled loudly, "yeah, you know it. Wednesdays.”

I smiled, “I just wanted to check in, let you know we’ve arrived safely.” I twisted the cord around my finger, plopping down onto Raiden’s bed.

“That’s great, thank you for letting me know.”

“Sure.” My neck warmed as I smiled and pulled a leg up to my chest, wondering whether he would want to end the call or continue talking. I didn’t want to intrude while he had work to do.

“So, what’s news on your end?”

My smile grew. “Well, you won't believe this, but I’m actually in Shadow Creek at the moment.”

“No, you found your mate already?” he exclaimed, sounding genuinely happy for me.

“I did,” I shrieked back, closing my fingers around the cord and squeezing.

“So? Was it Loverboy, then?” He asked, knowing all about Raiden. We’d talked about him back when I was still recovering in Blade Rock’s infirmary.

“Yeeeeeees,” I squealed, bursting into a fit of giggles. I could hear Mat chuckling on the other end of the line.

“I’m so happy for you, Pudding.”

“Thanks, Mat. You know, you should come and visit sometime. I think you and Ray will get along quite well.”

Mat huffed a laugh, “yeah, I’m sure a newly mated Alpha would love the idea of another, unmated Alpha visiting his mate.”

I snorted, “Raiden’s not like that.”

“Any and all Alpha’s are like that,” he replied shamelessly.

“Nope, you're wrong.” I said, popping the ‘p’ extra loudly.

“Want to bet on it?” he teased, chuckling.

“Fine!” I challenged, picking at my fingernails.