Page 48 of Silent Noise

Ray had halted behind me, I was sure, because Mia’s eyes snapped to him and she huffed, pouting and crossed her arms again where she hung in Gunnar’s hold. Raiden must have ordered her to calm down.

Finally, looking up at Gunnar, I saw the scars running across his face. Faded, but it would forever mare his skin. My heart shrank and I lifted a hand to my own face, the same spot where the mark lay on his.

“It’s ok,” he said, “it’s healed.”

“Gunnar, I-I’m,” Raiden’s hand came to rest on my shoulder. I was going to cry again, I felt it building in my chest and in my throat.

“Lucky for me, my little bombshell over here, was there to protect me,” he said gesturing proudly to his mate, who was now hanging limply in his arms, staring at me with annoyance written all over her face. “Besides, the scar makes me look badass.”

Mia snorted, rolling her eyes. But Gunnar, completely unfazed, chuckled, and she shook in his arms as the sound rumbled within his chest.

“Alright guys, let’s take this inside, shall we?” Raiden said at last, removing his hand from my shoulder and grabbing my suitcase again. I missed his touch instantly, but followed regardless, hesitantly walking around Gunnar and his mate, trotting up the castle steps close behind Raiden.