Page 40 of Silent Noise

The name was fitting, to say the least. It was picturesque, magnificent; the cushions beneath us soft and warm in contrast to the damp grass and cold stone surface of the table. Whoever had packed the basket, made sure everything was colour-coded, from the yellow napkins to the salt and pepper shakers, shaped as tiny lemons.

“There’s a cave there,” Mat finally looked up and gestured with a pointed finger, “around that way, just on the other side. It’s not very deep, but it's perfect for a shelter or campfire. I go there quite often.”


He turned, smiling at me. “Not always.”

I have friends in the forest.

Mat handed me a container filled with fruit kebabs, taking two for himself and gently setting them on his plate. Next came a flask, hot to the touch with steam wafting from the opening. The smell of coffee, rich and thick, tickled my nose.

Not all of them are bad.

“I can see your mind reeling, Lily. What are you thinking about?”

I studied him for a moment, contemplating whether I should tell the truth or just stick to small talk. Eventually Mat poured me some coffee.

“What did you mean when you said, not all of them are bad? Who are they? The people or things you were talking about?”

He slid the steaming mug towards me, gazing at it for a moment, and then said, “I’m sure you’ve heard of the Shadow Folk?” Shit. “Don’t,” he said, “don’t get frightened, let me explain.” I was already frightened, my heart hammering. Having him say that I shouldn’t be didn’t help to ease my discomfort. Mat was careful not to touch me, to give me the space I needed when he said, “I don’t think the entity that harassed you was one of them.”

My eyes snapped to his, baby-blue meeting forest green. “So, you believe me? Everything I told you?”

Mat’s smile was small, tender. “I believe every word you say.”

Relief washed over me. I wasn’t sure anyone would believe such a horrific story, especially not coming from someone who looked and acted delusional.

“You don’t think I’m crazy? Even after last night?” The second part I said quietly, in a whisper, feeling my cheeks warm at the mere thought of how I’d acted.

Mat shook his head, finally reaching out and taking my hand in his. “No. You’re not crazy, you’re just working through some stuff.”

I huffed a laugh, “through some stuff.”

His eyes softened, but I looked away, towards the mountain, wondering what might be lurking in the cave, or in the forest around it. My stomach churned, the appetite I had moments before gone.