My warriors had reported nothing but mere glimpses of shadow, wind and unnatural air movement in the Forest of Marillia. It might have been considered strange by outsiders, but we were used to it, and had lived with the Shadow Folk for decades.
Shadow Folk. It was a name given to them by my great grandfather, who believed them to be the long-lost spirits of soldiers trapped within the forest, bound by some terrible curse. It was speculation, of course, since no one knew what they were or where they’d come from. For decades, Blade Rock had been shielded against them. Magic, my father had claimed. Dark magic from a witch born into a wolven bloodline. He’d never elaborated on the subject, but the essence of it came down to a protection spell enveloping the Blade Rock territory.
We shared the Marillia forest with them though, so they dwelled all around us, just beyond the pack’s borders. Hidden in shadows and shade, the forest was unclaimed by man because of its harsh terrain and unpredictable weather. Ancient rumours and nursery rhymes spoke of terrible creatures and dark beasts roaming the belly of Marillia. No one ever ventured close to the northern tip of the continent, where the forest was at its thickest. Those who did were lost, never to return or heard of again.
Because of it, Marillia’s northernmost tip, was declared off limits. Especially after dark, when warm columns of air were no unfamiliar occurrence in the forest. Lily had come from that very northern side, entering at the north-western corner of Blade Rock. Where she’d come from before that was a mystery, even to herself. She had no recollection of it, her memory severely lacking in general. It was natural, I guessed, considering she’d lost the last eight years of her life. I hadn’t told her that yet. It wasn’t my place to do it and I’d rather have her family breaking the news to her and deal with that trauma whichever way they saw fit. She’d been through enough. For now, I was content with feeding her and watching her heal. She was a fighter and fast healer. There was no doubt about the Alpha essence in her blood.
“Eating again, are we?” Mat said by way of greeting, entering my room like he owned the place. Technically he did.
“Only because Blade Rock is trying to fatten me up,” I teased, stuffing a piece of bread I’d torn off with my fingers into my mouth.
He smiled, emerald eyes twinkling. “Yeah? You saw right through that, didn’t you?”
I stuck my tongue out and he chuckled, coming to take up his usual spot beside me, leaning against the bed. His presence was comforting. A welcome change to having been left alone the whole day.
Mat reached out, pinching the skin on my forearm in between his thumb and index finger. “It’s not working as well as we might have hoped,” he teased, winking.
I pulled my arm out of his grasp and threw a tiny piece of bread at him. He caught it in his mouth, chewing and swallowing with a wicked grin.
“Don’t you have other ‘official Alpha business’ you have to attend to?”
“I am,” he said, straightening and crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m interrogating a criminal,” he leaned in slightly, whispering, “a trespasser.”
I couldn’t stop myself from snorting a laugh. “Horrible, terrible, illegal, dreadful.”
“Like I said, a criminal,” he replied with a shrug.
I shook my head, tearing another piece of bread from the roll and propping it into my mouth. The salty taste danced upon my tongue, a perfect combination of flavour and textures. Blade Rock’s food was amazing, their baked goods faultless.
It was easy to warm up to Mat. He was down to earth and relaxed. An open-minded, undemanding male with a wicked sense of humour.
“Told you I’d be back for dinner,” he said, eyes glazing over.
“You’re late. I’m almost done with my plate already.”
“Better late than never,” he said, and I didn’t know how to reply to that.
Luckily, a staff member came in, carrying a plate of steaming food. “I was on my way here already, Alpha,'' she said, crossing the room and placing the plate on a nearby table. She saw me and greeted me with a nod and polite smile. I did the same in return.
“Thank you. Lily, would you like anything else?”
Both of them looked at me. “Oh-uh, no, thank you. It was delicious.” The girl beamed, blushing.
“We’ll let you know when we’re ready for dessert,” Mat said, pushing off the bed and heading for his plate.
“Yes, of course, Alpha,” the she-wolf grinned. “Anything, anytime.” With an eager smile and slight bow, she backed away and left.
“Your packmates seem to enjoy spoiling you,” I said as soon as I heard her feet moving down the hall, an echo of a giggle fading through the corridor.
Mat smiled, side-eyeing me and grabbing his plate off the table. The she-wolf practically purred, before she left. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, his smile showing he knew exactly.
“She forgot my cutlery,” he stated, pulling a chair closer and taking a seat beside me.