Page 17 of Silent Noise

“I hope you’re not leading me somewhere deserted where you’d be able to kill me or something? You know, dispose of the body here in the mountains where no one would see it?” I sent her a wink.

She let out a loud snort. “Hun, have you seen your body?”

Mia stopped abruptly, turning and propping her hands on her hips. Although I almost crashed into her, she stood her ground and stared up at me from where I towered over her.

“No matter where I dispose of it,” she jabbed her index finger into my belly, “some part of it would probably still stick out.”

I pressed a palm to my heart, mouth hanging open in mock offence.

“Well now, no need to body-shame,” I teased. “You kiss your husband with that mouth?”

She pulled her finger back, rolling her eyes, “besides, it’ll take me weeks to dig a hole large enough and cover it up before you start stinking.”

“I love it when you talk dirty,” I replied, sending her a wink I knew would turn her cheeks red. She turned, shielding her red face from my view.

“Ah! We’re here!” Mia squealed, her eyes sparkling eagerly.

She snatched my hand in hers and pulled me along, into a half-circle clearing lined with rocks. In the distance, I could hear water roaring. A waterfall? Slowly, she let go, walking away from me to the edge of the clearing. A ledge looked over the view below. She stood there for a moment, peering down. Amazement and recognition played in her eyes; awe. I didn’t know what was down there, but the trip had already been worth it. Seeing her now, like this, the look on her face - worth it.

“Hun,” she whispered, ushering me closer, “come look at this.”

My throat closed at the thought of approaching the edge.

“It’s alright,” she said, knowing my fears before I even voiced them. “It’s perfectly safe. We used to do this a lot as kids.”

I couldn’t find it in myself to disappoint her, so my feet moved, inching closer to the edge as my legs wobbled. Breath caught in my throat as I approached the cliff. The view of the steep drop constricted my insides. We looked down into a gorge filled with a strong current. I cursed, my fingers searching for anything to hold on to and knees bending to bring me closer to the ground, not that it would help in any way. Hell, if it wasn’t for my ego, I would have been belly sailing out of here.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked, taking a seat right there, next to the edge.

Fuck. My heart pounded. Was she trying to give me a heart attack?

“Yeah, it truly takes my breath away,” I said dryly, my voice shakier than I would have liked. “Maybe we should admire the view from a little bit further away.”

Mia smirked, turning to face me. I tried to smile back, but I was pretty sure it looked more like constipation than anything else.

She got up, sauntering back to where I stood in a half-crouch, clutching the branch like my life depended on it. “Don’t be afraid, Big Guy.” She kissed me. “I’ve got something for you.”

“Yeah?” I asked against her lips, trying to pull her further away from the edge.

“Yeah.” She smiled. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

Letting go of my hand, she jogged back into the forest. Well, that’s just great.

Unsure of what I was supposed to do, and truthfully too afraid to move, I stood dead still, trying my best to avoid looking down the cliff again.

Finally, I heard a twig snap and turned, expecting to find Mia there with her surprise. It wasn’t Mia.

The moment my eyes landed on her, the ground shifted beneath my feet, and I felt like I was falling, like the world around me was spinning out of control.

It couldn’t be. Impossible, I heard myself murmur.

My mind was running at a million miles per hour, and I inhaled slowly, attempting to ground myself.

She wasn’t moving, but she was staring straight at me. Or at least I thought she was. I reached out a hand.
