Page 24 of Silent Noise



By the time I arrived at the infirmary, the sun was already setting and had begun throwing long shadows over the footpath leading up to the front entrance. After wiping my feet on a rubber mat with the pack’s emblem on it, I stepped into the building. It was modern, spacious and clean with a few empty chairs overlooking the front lawn.

It was quiet - as usual. My Beta spotted me as soon as I entered, waving to me from across the room. He was leaning against the reception desk, pen in hand, scribbling something onto a white clipboard. I’d mind-linked him on my way over.

Without waiting for him to finish, I walked down the hall, the sounds of my soles tapping against the white shiny floors. Somewhere in the distance of the building I heard a baby crying. Magnificent paintings lined the walls, all of them from local artists with tiny price tags attached to the frames.

My Beta fell into step with me just in time for us to greet the guard posted outside Room 13. With a nod and slight bow, he opened the door and stepped aside to let us through. A monotone of white and grey greeted me as I entered. It had been months since I’d been there and still, everything remained exactly as I remembered it. Clinically white walls and floors, light grey drapes and dark grey linen surrounded me. The smell of disinfectant lingered in the air, while mechanic beeps sounded from a machine attached to the wall behind the bed.

Wrinkling my nose, I stepped deeper into the room, letting my eyes roam over the sleeping figure covered in grey. Behind me, my Beta followed, trying to shut the door quietly. The soles of his shoes released a loud squeak. I glanced at him, watching his face contort in a grimace. He looked down at his feet, at the polished tiles beneath. Meeting my gaze, he shrugged, pulling his shoulders up and tip-toeing the rest of the way.

“Big gorilla,” I mocked, turning back to face our newest visitor.

“I can’t help it,” he mumbled.

I chuckled, turning to the bed. Lying there, partially covered with a heavy grey duvet, lay a young woman with long blonde hair.

“We cleaned her up as best we could,” said a nurse stepping through the door we had entered through.

I didn’t turn as she came to stand beside me.

“Her injuries were mostly flesh wounds - cuts and bruises, that sort of thing. We couldn’t detect any internal bleeding or nerve damage, although she did have a nasty concussion when she came in.”

The woman lay on her side with her cheek pressed deep into a pillow. Folds of grey fabric pushed against her upper lip pulling it open at an odd angle. I tilted my head. Under strands of golden hair, a large discoloration of deep red and purple stained her skin. It covered the entire right side of her face. A bruise or blood accumulation under skin; I wasn’t sure.

“Looks like an angel, doesn’t she?” The nurse murmured beside me. My Beta grunted a reply.

I didn’t answer, but circled around the bed, slowly, taking her in from all sides. The duvet was drawn back slightly, revealing a bare shoulder covered in cuts and dark bruises.

“How long has she been out?”

“About three hours, Alpha,” the nurse said, stepping closer to survey her file. “The doctor administered a light sedative to help her sleep. She’ll probably be down for another two hours or so.”

I nodded while my focus remained on the body before me. My eyes searched for answers, surveying the extent of her injuries, possible heritage, age, anything that might be helpful in getting a clearer image. The north-western corner of Blade Rock, where she’d been found, was mostly dense, unexplored forest, miles from any form of civilization. What on earth had she been doing there in the first place?

“Identification?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“None, Alpha. She had no phone, wallet or even a single piece of jewellery on her.”

I frowned. “Claimed?”

“No, sir.”

“Any markings on her skin, tattoos, piercings?”

“A bunch of old scars, one medical incision over her lower belly and branded skin on her back,” the nurse stepped closer, pulling the duvet down over her left shoulder blade.

Stepping closer also, I searched the discoloured bruise, trying to find the mark. The nurse pointed to an area barely visible against the darkened stain underneath.

“Burn mark?” I asked, brushing two fingers over the marred skin.

She nodded.

“Looks like a snake,” my Beta said, peering over my shoulder. “Wait, what’s that?” He asked, pointing to the right bottom corner of the brand.

“We think it’s the initials Y and R,” the nurse said, moving away to give us a clearer view.