“Drop it,” he ordered thickly.

Habit dictated she ought to pick the dress off the floor and hang it, but instinct said she wouldn’t get two steps past the virile man before her. “The dress will be ruined.”

“After today, you’ll dress befitting your rank. Everyone in Berwick and London will know you are my Duchess.”

Dropping the chemise, she tilted her chin and stepped towards him. “You’re overdressed, Your Grace.”

His eyes were the deepest shade of blue. She knew from the clench in his jaw he was as aroused as she. Inhaling a steadying breath, she reached forward, watching his eyes glaze over in challenge as she cupped his shaft through his breeches.

It was his turn to shudder, a full-body tremble that caused her channel to moisten. Having control over the Duke was unimaginable, yet she felt power in knowing she was the source of his growing length, the thickness cradled in her palm.

Her fingers reached for the clasp to unhook his pants, but he stopped her. “If you free me now, Sadie, I will take you,” he panted, his desire caressing her with each breath.

Wasn’t that the point of a marriage night?

She was ready, had been ready since their first kiss in the nursery. Perhaps even before that day.

His fingers curled tighter around hers. He stroked himself. “Do you feel how hard I am?”

She swallowed. He had grown hard beneath her bottom in the nursery too. “Is this not your natural state?”

“It certainly feels that way in your company.”

“How unfortunate then that you could not relieve yourself before now.”

He groaned, and she flexed her fingers, gently squeezing him. “I want you to enjoy our first time and all the times we share a bed.”

“I will.” Why would he think otherwise? “I am ready.”

He groaned again. This one sounded more painful than the last. “Sadie,” he hissed. “You are not ready.”

But she was! Her breasts were heavier, and the tips ached for the slightest touch. Her body hummed as if bowed…ready to be set free. She wanted to be as physically close to him as possible to match the closeness in her heart for him.

“I can smell your arousal,” he whispered against her ear. The tickle of his breath sent goosebumps along her skin. “Let me taste you, know your sweetness.”

She whimpered at the wicked suggestion.

“On the bed.” He straightened, awkwardly pushing his tailcoat off his broad shoulders. His injured arm was in a sling but that didn’t slow his advance. Without waiting, he backed her to the bed. “On your back.”

She did as he asked until the back of her knees were against the sheets. If she felt exposed before, she was now laid out like a feast to be devoured. No secrets between them. Her body bared for the first time, watching his eyes soften with tender emotions as he drank in her nakedness, should have left her feeling vulnerable. Yet, she trusted him with her body, her heart, and her pleasure.

“Lift your feet to the edge of the bed and spread your knees.”

She closed her eyes, then opened them just as quickly when his fingers caressed the inside of her knees, widening them. His touch was everywhere, yet his hand never left the path along her inner thighs. Sadie could not stop the moan that escaped when he brushed her dampened curls. His fingers combed intimately in a place only she had explored.

It took every ounce of effort not to snap her legs shut. To trust that what he saw, what he experienced was as deep as her own needs. To give herself over to the pleasure he was building and maybe something deeper.

Never had she trusted anyone with her heart and body. Not until this very moment.

“I am going to explore every inch of you when I am no longer an invalid, but not tonight. Tonight there will be no question as to my desire for you and you alone.” Then his head was between her thighs, keeping them spread wide for the first pass of his tongue against her clit.

Sadie cried out. Her hands fisted into the sheets.

“Delicious,” he murmured, licking her core to a fevered height.

“Your Grace!”

He paused to look at her. Sadie didn’t know whether she craved a chance to catch her breath or she wanted to dive over the cliff of pleasure he promised.