
Sadie rolled onto her back and sighed up at the ceiling. The bed was empty, and she did not know how to feel about it.

Last night was the first time she had gone to sleep with a man in her bed. Not just any man. Lord Gilleasbuig consumed her thoughts from the time she laid eyes on him. Her fingers itched to touch the spot he slept in, but she resisted the urge, keeping her hands firmly pressed against her quivering stomach.

She had tried to ignore his broad shoulders and the mop of course chest hairs that beckoned her fingers. Pacing had only made her agitation worse, because each time she turned, she caught glimpses of him from the corner of her vision. Then, the cad had run his hands against his chest, taunting her as one would a bull with a red sheet. To think, he had slept partially naked with nothing more than a small boy between them.

Her pulse quickened.

She had dreamed of him too. Dreams no proper miss would admit to. They were sinful… wicked, leaving her panting for relief that never came. Had she whispered his name in slumber? Cried out for something she dared not name?

Groaning, Sadie rolled out of bed, determined to try harder to ignore the unrestrained thundering of her heart each time she thought of the Duke. With one last glance at the empty bed, she grinded her teeth as the wave of disappointment from not waking beside him flowed through her.

At least he had left the room before the household woke. The last thing she needed were inquisitive glances from the servants.

After washing and finishing her toilet, she took the servant stairwell down to the servants’ quarters, quickly dressing for the day.

She found Edwin in the dining room eating a bowl of oatmeal and eggs.

“Good morning,” she said to Edwin, kissing his forehead.

“Mamon Sadie.” He smiled around a spoonful of oatmeal.

“Good morning, Miss,” Mary said, entering the room with a fresh pot. “Tea?”

“Yes, thank you.” She turned her teacup over. “Is his lordship not breaking his fast with us?”

“His lordship is an early riser, Miss. He is in the stables seeing to the wagon for a visit with Mr. Porter and his family.”

“He said I can go with him,” Edwin said.

“Mr. Porter?” she asked Mary.

“He recently lost his cottage in a fire.”

“Oh, yes.” She nodded. Gill had mentioned the family and his suspicions that the fire was set intentionally. “Do you think it is safe for the boy, Mary?”

“The Porter’s have a boy of their own. I figure if his lordship thinks it is safe for their lad, it must be safe enough for his.”

“Of course.” She served herself a plate of eggs and toast from the breakfast bar and sat opposite Edwin. Sadie supposed the Duke also wanted his son to become familiar with the tenants. She wanted to meet the occupants too and become familiar with her new home, but after last night, she hoped to find the nursery and set it to rights.

Sharing a bed with the Duke would not do at all.

“Shall I tell his lordship you will be joining them?”

“I was hoping you or Ferna would point me in the direction of the nursery.” She sipped her tea.

Mary shook her head. “I’m afraid that part of the house is closed off. Has been for many years, Miss.”

Sadie gaped. Why in heaven would the nursery be closed off? “But his lordship brought his son home. Surely that room is meant to be reopened.”

“You’ll have to ask his lordship, Miss. No one will venture into those rooms without his permission.”

She sighed when the woman left the room. The last thing she needed was to face the Duke after last night’s debacle. First, she had chosen her pride over making sure Edwin was settled into his new home. Then, Lord Gilleasbuig had gotten to the child’s room first, offering comfort when she should have.

Perhaps she was still letting pride get in the way. It would ease the growing tension between them if they stayed in the nursery.

Edwin finished eating and stood, ready to race from the room.